Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

Well, heroic is only difficult the first week or two, same as M+ up to 15.

I would agree that the +15 rewards are a bit overtuned, but that does not bother me. I enjoy the gameplay loop of farming valor and getting upgrades early on in a patch cycle.

The rewards of M+ could definitely be adjusted. What would your opinion on a lower End of Dungeon/Vault reward, but a higher cap on upgrade be?

Say, using current item levels, M+ rewards out of the vault were capped at 298, but if you were able to push your IO up super far, like 2500 or 3000, you could use your valor to upgrade those items up to 304 or 311.

At some point, a +25 is leagues harder than the first six bosses of a mythic raid.

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So put the 304 loot (or whatever equivalent at the time) behind 20s. But the amount of people I’ve seen in mythic guilds who find 15s to be difficult content is not insignificant. Some people have a hard time in content where their raid leader isn’t telling them what to do.

Mythic Raids give the best loot, though…?


This is exactly what should change. A 25 is clearly much harder than a 15. They need to rebalance the rewards so that they scale past 15 (probably to around 25 cap).

25 should award 311, scaling down from there. A 16 should be around heroic raid ilvl.

And it should not award GV credit unless you time it.

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Like cool opinion except millions of others disagree with you, especially if you don’t give a real reason

Your takes have to be the worst I have seen from GD.

MPlus doesn’t reward the best gear in the game. It’s a few ilvls below that and to even get that gear that high you have to have 2000 rating.

Mplus gear should never be below LFR gear. LFR is trivial braindead content.

Because FOMO means fear of missing out.

There isn’t any fear of missing out I. Things already removed from the game.

Did I say it should be below LFR? No. I clearly put the earliest M+ gear as on par with NORMAL raid… and honestly the biggest problem with M+ gear is that Blizzard keeps using M+ gear as the requirement for LFR… which, you are right, M+ shouldn’t be below LFR and never used as an LFR requirement either.

Mythic zeros are not mythic plus. Also you can get high enough using the welfare catch up gear in ZM. Mplus is just the faster way to get there.

Where did you confuse “never” for “should”

LFR isn’t even real raiding so content that requires effort like mplus should award better gear than LFR.

Typing from a phone, autocorrect is evil

Why go get them now when I can go back in 2 expansions and solo it? :wink:

Ahh ok. My bad.

Because the aotc mounts can’t be obtained in 2 expansions.

It might not matter mechanically, but it does influence player behavior.

I stopped raiding after Legion, different job more work…no time to raid… I guess it’s completely acceptable to say something like God damn casuals and it’s okay because that’s not derogatory at all is it, right? is that what you’re saying?

Sorry for having more money and getting debt free instead of worrying about how high of a mythic plus key I can push…

It’s mostly the same five people arguing with themselves to put on a show.


It’s okay, you’re allowed to be wrong.

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You know what they say about assumptions, right?

That’s not what was said, and you were literally told that was not what was said:

From my experience alone, once you break out of the 15 mark, it gets less toxic.
When you start playing with people who know how to communictae, rotate through CD’s/Def CD’s, etc it gets less toxic.


You don’t need to apologize for your opinion, just don’t try spreading it as fact.
M+ was a great feature, I’ve never had more fun than when I’m doing M+.