Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

Substantially, the higher you go, the more relaxed and chill the players get.

Those who actually push keys at +20 or higher understand that sometimes things go wrong in a pull and while there are ways to mitigate it, discussing or arguing over it in the key is not the time to do that. You can have mistakes, dust off and continue pulls, and still time the dungeon often with plenty of time to spare.

At the end of the day, keys are meant to be fun, and sometimes you time some, and other times you deplete; that’s just how the system works.

You can always tell right off the rip what type of people you’re playing with if they ever get chatty in the party chat right after a wipe or a nasty pull that goes sideways.

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Agreed honestly as far as non-expansion specific features. Dungeons don’t feel like they have a set level of challenge now as they infinitely scale, it screws up gearing since it’s repeatable endlessly, and I also miss challenge modes.

Positively big-brained individual we’ve got right here, fellas.


Your forums game is on point.
All those quotes and rebuttals.
I just use talk to text most the time.

Average sized brain higher IQ than a panda.

I am in complete agreement. IMO, m+ is a pustulant, syphilitic, cancerous, toxicity promoting, social disease in WoW that needs to excised.

I tried it when it was first implemented, hated it, never did it again. not long after it’s implementation, that toxic rushrushrush gogogo attitude that has made modern WoW such a trial, got exponentially worse.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


IMO This is GD in a nutshell.


Maybe you should just quit instead of advocating for getting rid of the best content they’ve added in an extremely long time.


Make sure yall bring ur invi pots to m+ though :slight_smile: it costs like nothing just for some assurance that if the tank wants to skip something you can participate by simply pressing the potion button! dont lie ur not potting besides during hero anyway


here, let’s try this

“GD” does not mean what you are claiming.


I’m not gonna apologize because I happen to type quickly and know how to use these forums.

What you thought you typed: something meaningful and reasonable
What you actually typed: a bunch of drivel




FWIW, I remember people complaining about that attitude at least 10 years ago, if not even longer. It’s got nothing to do with “modern” WoW.

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You can just not do M+ lol

Your words not mine, you’re the only one on here mentioning god damn casuals. Not once has anyone else said that victim complex is real :rofl:

You think you’re the only one with a job and other RL responsibilities :rofl:

The average age of WoW players are older now we all have jobs get over it.


While I agree it has ‘ruined’ world of warcraft, I look at it this way…

WoW is 20 years old almost. Most ‘raiders’ i know nowadays are casual raiders who are moms and dads with jobs and kids. People don’t want to commit 3 or 4 hours a night to wiping on bosses designed for twitch streams and world firsters.

I just spent 10 days in the hospital with nothing to do but play WoW on free wifi. I grinded out 45k valor and got the achievement, mount and stuff. From zero to hero KSM, all pugs. Pugs are not bad if you are a great player. I heal. Fast ques.

If you look at the numbers, the number of people who actively raid have plummetted to beneath the dirt. The raids are not fun. Too much trash. Too much wiping. No one wants to pay money for that, at least not these days. I do miss raiding on occasion. But I havn’t raided since nighthold and havnt wanted to raid since Deathwing. They are not fun. Not good story. I could care less.

Back to wow being almost 20, WoW is not even a classic mmo anymore and it hasnt been for years. Outside of dailies, I sit in oribos, get instant invites as tank or healer, and thanks to the portals in Oribos, WoW has become an arcade style of dungeon crawling thanks to uncapped valor. I massively prefer this to mindlessly killing needless trash and mindlessly wiping on crap boss design that was solely designed for the top 1 percent of the playerbase before nerfs.

I used to hate mythic plus. Hate the timer. Hate everything about it. But then I got good at the game, and got some loot and gear, and what do you know?!?!? The timer became a non issue. Pugs rarely wipe if I’m healing, unless someone pulls an ungodly amount of crap depending on the affix. If anything Blizz needs new affixes because most if not all affix are healer affixes. They all boil down to ‘let the healer deal with it’ and it’s not cool design at all.

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Thank you for proving my point.

As do I. However, in my experience, it has gotten exponentially worse with the implementation of m+.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


I fully agree with the OP. It requires no innovation on Blizzards part and is just recycled content.


As of today, this thread tells me 69 people got kicked out of their pugs for being bad.


you know in my experience people who flaunter how they’re “debt free” has more debt than people who actually dont say much :wink:

Also everyone here has a job. This is not 2000 anymore where we’re all teenager and still living w/ our parent.