Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

It sounds to me like you’re saying “I have a hard time getting into a +15”.

They don’t actually prove that… they just prove that people do actually run M+ nothing more… you cannot factually derive any information regarding “why” from that data. Your assumption that it is run so much because people like it is no more or less likely than that people run it because they feel required to. Which, by the way, there are a fair amount who have expressed as much on these very forums and in game that they don’t run M+ because they like it but rather because it is required.

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its ok to hate the thing you suck at

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Agreed, they should buff PvP gear ilev in PvE.

The timer in anything below a 15 doesn’t matter. A +2 is 0 difference from running the place on just regular mythic. There arent even really affixes to worry about. Just do it, they’re not scary. List your key and faceroll.

I’ve been a raider since Molten Core was current content. Mythic+ has been good for the game. Raiding needs a serious rework, which I have been complaining about for years. Shadowlands was so hostile to running and maintaining a raiding roster, which has actually zero to do with the supposed state of mythic+, that it finally got me to do what I never thought I’d do - quit raiding. I don’t know why folks like you want to destroy mythic+ in favour of raiding, when the state of raiding is a god damn joke. Why kill something that’s actually functional, instead of bringing the other endgame pillar into line?


I know what Fomo means. It’s not my fault you’re using a buzz word incorrectly says to try and strengthen a weak point.

No it’s not. Maybe for bad players using it as an excuse.

Vault reward is once per week and it is considered slow by impatient hardcore players.

The reward is needed so they would do better next time. It’s very frustrating to fail week after week and you wont improve when no loots are coming in.

Mythic plus is only for toxic no lifers, it needs to be removed from the game, only gatekeeping toxic elitist like mythic plus

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You’re spare parts.

Wow toxic brah

The timer made me do it.


Thats why mythic plus needs to go, does nothing but make people toxic


The concept of M+ is good… the implementation is bad, and the rewards are overtuned… M+ should NOT reward the best gear in the game… it should always be behind the current raid tier… gearing should be a clearly defined progression chart of:
Normal Dungeon
Heroic Dungeon
Normal Raid Tier/Mythic+
Heroic Raid Tier/Mythic 15+
Mythic Raid Tier/Raid Crafted


Preach my brave gnome, this game needs to be about the journey and the raid and the fun yay. No more go go go we need to go back in time when the dungeons were just go go!

Also kinda funny but the genius gnome literally wrote the gear progression path aside from the raid crafted items exactly how it is now :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Last I checked the current progression had the last few shuffled around to:
Heroic Raid Tier/Raid Crafted
Mythic Raid Tier
Mythic 15+

And it’s been like that ever since Mythic+ was added

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So mythic raid doesnt drop the highest item level gear hmm ok i guess i can get 311 gear from mythic plus i had no idea thanks dude

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It doesn’t. Mythic raiding does.

Blizzard has pretty much done everything they can to kill raiding.

Between the monumental effort required to maintain and gear twenty raiders, not counting alts or bench players, and the monstrously overturned raid encounters that punish a single mistake, I can only imagine how many guilds have collapsed this tier, mine being one of them.

The time and effort required to mythic raid is just sickening, considering the rewards are meh, and you’re lucky to get one good drop from 10+ bosses. Tuning mythic around the World First guilds is one of the dumbest decisions they ever made, especially with regards to waiting so long to nerf fights to a decently playable level.

M+ on the other hand is fun, fast, rewarding, and you can PUG or play with friends at ANY TIME you can find five players.

Raiding progression and rewards need to be examined.

I’ve still yet to see a decent argument of why M+ loot needs to be nerfed/removed. Is it angry raiders? Anyone worth their salt do both the raids and dungeons to supplement their gear.

I have no idea why some people are advocating going back to raid logging. Yeah, because that’s a healthy choice for the game. Just push away more players. Raid logging is a terrible practice. There should be incentives to play more, and different avenues for character progression, and M+ allows that.

Also, anyone arguing about “participation” needs to simply be aware that gear drives content participation. No one would mythic raid for the “glory” of it, the same way no one pushes 30+ keys beyond like 200 players across the whole game.

Look at Torghast. No gear in there, and everyone HATED it. They literally scraped it in the last patch beyond making the resource grind easier.

No one would mythic raid without gear the same way no one would run difficult dungeons without gear. Whether you want to count the IO leaderboards as a sort of bragging rights that can incentivize people is another argument, but that only attracts a fraction of a percentage of the game’s population.

TL;DR: Make raiding not awful. Please and thanks.

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It sure does. The problem is that failing to time a +15 is far easier than clearing the raid on heroic, yet failing a 15 gives a a mythic raid ilvl item. Guaranteed.

Failing to time a 15 key is too easy to be rewarding mythic ilvl loot.