Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

Nah it’s just a buzzword bad players use.

FOMOs entire premise is based on people having a “fear”.

No one with rational thinking is literally having fear in this game.

People not liking being “left behind” doesnt mean they have a “fear”.

FOMO means


Also thanks for proving you don’t even know what the buzzword you’re using means while attempting to look smart.

You failed chief.

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It’s probably a bit of both. Usually people are hesitant to invite low IO players to 15s. Usually you need to time most 5s or 10s before going for 15s.

If got the raid io addon today for example, is it based on when i got it or does it retroactively update my score based on mythics i already completed?

Iv been timing 10s, 11s and now my first 15. I got declined from about 8 groups which has never happened before. I just figured its because groups are more picky for +15s and higher. Regardless, im really excited to see what 304 gear i get from the vault this week!

The addon is just for displaying the website records ingame. Everyone has a score whether you use the addkn or not.

You could be declined because of less experience or they want a specific tank (less likely, but not ruled out) is not that someone 280 /1000io can’t do a 15; it’s just less likely and most pugs will stack the deck to get it done.

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I had no idea lol. I just went to the raid io site and looked myself up for the first time.

My Raid IO Tank (Guardian Druid) score is 1266, timed 2 x 15s, 1 x 10, 18 x 5.

I have no clue if that is horrible, average or ok? Omg ranked 9200 in the world lol, jeez…

You usually need to update it once a week. It’s kind of a mix of both in my experience.

^ this

@Dhi. I wasn’t trying to say you weren’t capable and I’m sorry if it came out that way. I was trying to say that most pugs will not take a low IO tank especially if they have the option of a higher IO tank.

The class you’re tanking on could also be a factor. If I was putting together a spell caster group like mage/lock/sv hunter as my dps I would prefer a DH tank over a BM or warrior as an example.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Remember that time I innocently said, hey wouldn’t [this] be a nice feature to have, or do we already have it? A feature that we definitely don’t have in the same iteration as the whole thread was discussing. And you were in such a RUSH to rage at me in repeated posts that you missed the second part of that question, and then had to make up blatant lies about how I’d edited it in later just to make yourself feel better about it?

Yeah you’re a real sweetpea.

1266 is a good start. It’s not low low but it’s not high either. Most people doing 15s and higher will be around 2k if they have all of them timed

Sorry, but fomo fits in this context very well. You really didn’t give a good explanation either as to why fomo doesn’t work here.

This was a giant wall of word salad lol. You really don’t understand what fomo means.

Fomo is a huge factor in gaming mate, been this way for a long time.

The player pool for +15 keys takes a massive jump since that is the max reward level.

the worst thing that ever happened to this game is keeping raiding the only pve that mattered for how many yrs and as people got older or busier they just started unsubbing cause if they didn’t like pvp they had nothing but raiding to do and no time to really do it.

It does work though? You can pull me up on io. I did 0 m+ until season 3 and season 4.

Going by your other posts in this I honestly can’t believe half the things you’re saying. At this point in the xpack doing a +2 is a joke because people near gear cap are spamming them.

If you’re thinking that a +2 mythic is what’s balanced then you’re just trying to play the game on easier than easy. Tanks at this point inthe xpack can solo a full 2 key.

I disagree. I personally feel that both loot scarcity and a heavy dependence on RNG for everything are the worst things that happened to this game.

People just hate M+ right now because it doesn’t feel optional if you’re reward driven or raid below a certain level, as M+ feels like the only thing that didn’t suffer from loot scarcity this expansion.

I love that there’s a dungeon mode that stays relevant, I just wish it didn’t only start at M+. I wish I could do heroic dungeons again for a badge system, or for a chance at upgraded or upgradable gear.

I like Season 4 enough so far, even without running M+. I’m interested in trying a +2 but IDK. Modes built on rushing to beat a timer generally scare me away from them.

I stopped raiding AOTC because of how much pressure there was to run M+, and I could never make the guild’s active times outside of raid nights. So I was left feeling forced to pug.


A lot of the players debating in this thread aren’t raiders or PVPers, so they don’t see the impact of how lucrative M+ rewards has had on the game.

If Blizzard wants to bring back some of the aspects that appealed to casual players of the past, they really need to rethink M+ place among the end game activities.

M+ should be a side activity that rewards cosmetics, toys and other fun items that don’t give player power.

Forcing speed running dungeons into what has traditionally been a casual MMO since 2004 hasn’t been healthy for the game regardless of what the vocal minority of M+ supporters say on these forums.

Remember, these folks are an extreme minority of the player population. Their take on M+ probably isn’t how the majority of players view M+.


You left out “gives over-inflated ilvl rewards for not even being able to time” which is the primary reason it’s so popular.

You are as forced into mythic+ as you are into mythic raiding. Additionally, I would have to say that mythic+ is the most used end game content in the game. Much more than raiding or pvp, probably more that the two combined.

It also happens to be the most casual friendly PVE content the game has to offer.

The reward is for finishing not for timing, The reward for timing is upgrading the key.

If you’d ever like to give it a try sometime, feel free to hmu. I’m far from the best so you won’t get any judgment, but I’m capable and I know some tips and tricks and I have a ton of alts I like to run low keys on. On +2s the timer might as well be nonexistent as long as you get an even remotely capable group. I could get you through a few easy peasy and help take some of the scariness off. :blush:

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The reward is overinflated considering you weren’t even good enough to beat the timer. Rewarding mythic raid loot for spending 2 hours wiping in a 5man is the worst thing Blizzard has done in a long time.

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