Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

You do you bro, I wish you luck on your Crusade.

Good thing WOTLK CLassic is days out eh.

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You can do this though? Just go run the dungeons on normal or heroic. Faceroll through, there’s your 5 minute dungeon. We didnt have mythic dungeons in Wrath, or Cata.

The general feeling is that mythic+ forced the dungeons to become a rush-fest that casuals find stressful and unpleasant. You are claiming the opposite, very strange position.

M+ is the only reason I play. The game would be way better if I didn’t have to raid for better gear, and I could get all the gear from dungeons.

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Na. he is just trolling me and everyone else here I msg him in game. he just insulted me and blocked me.

No. I hate it. I deal with it. Dealing with something and never complaining about it does not mean that I like it. Timers on keys make it 10x harder to find a group. You can go over time and still get goods. And Asg raged at me and then blocked me in game. When he logs into Dragonflight, looks and wishes he had that free KSM… he need only blame himself.

Timers are fun. But not when everything already is rushed. You still get something even if you do go over time in a key.

And look at how this Asg poster is just going off everyone in this forum who doesnt agree with him.

He makes up absolute lies on his posts as well. Hey if you are nice to me, I am nice to you. If you are mean to me are mean to others, then I am mean to you. Simple as that.

And he wants to accuse me of getting carried when he claims he got almost 2.9… (so almost a Hero if he went only a couple hundred more)

And claims he was downing that stuff with LESS than 2k on ret. And all he does is talk bad TO forum posters, or talk bad ABOUT other players. He likes to throw the number 2k around a lot.

Like why would he and everyone he plays with all do 2k in S3 and are still doing 2k in S4.

According to him, he gets his KSM with the entire group doing 2k DPS.

If he is truly doing less than 2k DPS in keys that means he got hard carried and was only tagging mobs to get credit, then stayed behind to AFK. He didnt make a typo with the 2k dps statement either. Said it multiple times. That is the DPS you get when you are tagging stuff for kill credit. My auto attacks on this toon average at 23k. Even a typo where he meant 20k that means he is getting hard carried and is auto attacking with tags.
Your best tag for a carry is a Judgment. Mine in non crits hit at 19,980 Holy damage. Super close to 20k. Which does mean he is pulling with auto attacks and Jundments when he can and not actually dpsing. My BoJ on ret hit for 58,126.
My wake hit for 186,294.

So him getting 2k is not possible. At all. I dont think naked in rez sickness could I do that bad. So. he made a typo and meant to say 20k. And if he honestly thinks 20k DPS for the entire group is even possible for a KSM/KSH reach in S4 then OP is the one who needs to check himself. Not me. So yea. Seems as though he is pulling with autos and Judgments and barely crits as my non crits for those two are near exact at 20k. My crits on it are 41 to 50k.

And if it NOT a typo and this guy actually thinks we are doing 2,000 (two thousand) DPS… and he runs keys by straight versatility stacking on a fury warrior.

Edit. And i truly do think he means 20k dps. Cuz that is about the exact DPS you would be pulling by auto attacks and Judgment throws for tagging. Not going to point any fingers here, but 2k dps number was thrown out multiple times… so not a typo. So…seems you have ZERO clue about how to do any of this stuff, and also 2k ret pally DPS was a trending search result when you Google ret paladin DPS… because that is the exact average DPS for a brand new ret paladin who just began raiding… in TBC.

THATS how you got that number. Rets in much of TBC right now average at near EXACLTY 2k dps. which is a number you threw out multiple times.

Asg… Google better next time. You got the wrong numbers. Even the 20k was off and only possible by low geared non critting auto attacks.

m+ timer is cosmetic in lower keys


Mythic+ pushed me to play my character better and earn my keymaster mount. It wasn’t easy but it sure was rewarding. Also getting great gear without having to raid was pretty nice.

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Its funny how people sit here and search up peoples gear and characters all day trying to find something to invalidate someone’s argument but they dont realize as well as you that M+ came out in freaking Legion.

Anyone who played M+ in Legion has all the right they want to make an argument on M+.

Because guess what, it’s still the same systems as it was in Legion, just with tweaks.

You should not be constantly rewarded very quickly with the highest end gear in the game that comes from mythic raiding in a 5 man dungeon. It has never sat well with me regardless of the perks I’ve gained from it in the past. It’s just supported the idea I could max a toon with gear and move on to the next. This slightly promotes blizz selling more character boosts with this idea of gearing fast once hitting 60.

Gear should be hard earned and feel rewarding to play with in all other areas of the game. Not be max 304/291 within a month or less from spamming 15’s. It’s boring and senseless.


Now go get the raiding mounts. Oh wait… thats the only thing aside from achievements or a trinket with a good usage skill you’ll get.

No point I guess to raid right? Yep.


Its not about the past, we’re arguing for the future and we dont want a future where all we see in chat is “SELLING KSM CHEAP” “EASY CARRY CHEAP GOLD GOLD” “SELLING ‘#’ KEYS SEND SCORE/KSM” “BOBBY WANTS MY KEY COME COME”

Currently living in that future on most servers anyway… Like my old one Stormrage.

Anyway, we just don’t want M+ to be the 100% default focus for a new player or vet alike to get their character geared, specially to max ilvl gear in the very short time of a few weeks lol.

There is a reason I returned after a 3 year break and WILL NOT go past AH bought gear and some pieces from SL world quests a bit… I hate SL but thats another post entirely right there.

I wont go through the tiny efforts to gear up to full 291 in M+ just to have all of it become fubar in DF and btw they are making gearing in DF through world quest weeklies along side M+ so it should hopefully mean a good 50/50 on areas to gear your character in. Raiding still dead though.


I get it. I do, and it’s one of the reasons I do it considering my time commitments, Its the better gear grind for time spent hands down. But in saying that, (and I’m not being rude here) I find that most people complaining, atleast on GD are people who dont even raid, or do M+. thats what baffles me.

This I understand, But there are people like me who want to get their sub money worth and will do this regardless because sitting in a city trolling trade chat, is not time efficent. I rather play the game get the gear even if a new expansion is months away because I feel like if I didnt my money is wasted.

Careful, logical thinking is kind of lost on these forums with many posters.

A lot of people post on alts, and many people like me, ran M+ in the past expansions and haven’t touched it in SL. I hated that system since it was put into the game.

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That’s kind of the thing. You weren’t pushed because of any reason other than gear, fomo, and a hostile environment of people blood drunk on gear and fomo. Mythic+ “breeds” a very specific type of people, and it’s not intrinsically motivated.


Well said!

Well you are not wrong most M+ runs are filled with toxic people, I wish I could just throw my key on the floor.


Please stop using Fomo. It’s just a buzz word used by bad players.

Also you aren’t even using the term correctly


casuals suck

Actually they are wrong. I have done keys across all levels from +2s to 20s.

Most key runs are not toxic. The most toxic runs are between +5 through +14 and even then

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Or you lack comprehension or can’t accept information you don’t agree with yourself. Perhaps cognitive dissonance suits you better? Or neurotic perfectionism? Material attachment?
You got the point. People don’t like to get left behind, and they’ll do all kinds of irrational things to stop the pain that is feeling inferior.


I thrive under pressure idk

M+ is the first time since Wrath i have enjoyed any sort of group content.

  • its fun
    -Respects your time
    -No lock outs, i can run them everyday
    -Easy to join groups (sort of, i actually have one question about this one)

Season 4 was the first time I started doing M+ and now I feel really excited for M+ in DF.

Had one question, I ran and timed my first +15 last night as a tank. Normally i have no issues finding a group, but this one took quite a bit. Am i getting declined because i dont have raid io? Or because my ilvl was too low (281). I eventually joined a group and we destroyed the +15, but i got declined quite a bit before that.