Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:
I wish this is true. But some people seem to always find a way


But you do have access to it, you just got to play the content.

I actually don’t understand what you’re trying to say here. Is STR some sorta new slang for something other than strength?

Also you pretty much always know when a run isn’t worth it. You have all sorts of tools to pull up io scores achievements and be able to get anybody you bring I to a key for m+.

It’s not that hard to time keys or to get ksm. You just have to put basic effort into it.

I go after people who complain about content they never do. Look back at my posts on this tread. That is what I did and why I did it. And you people come after me, going on their side. For what? Did they even notice. No. You and Kennie were both trying to defend them. Kennie is being sarcastic, so no reply to that. They dont need carry.

I get upset about you people non stop complaining about the game when the game is not the problem. You are. I used you as plural there. And I will give you a free KSM. Since you want to troll me and say that I cant and want to say that I only ever buy carries never sell.

As for timing Keys. You still get a GV if you time or dont time. And you can run it again to make time even if you dont. See whereas before when I said if you dont do good in keys it is your fault, now if you dont get a KSM for S$ then it is definitely your fault as this is full proof that I am handing you the opportunity to do something you are clearly capable of and you still want to say no. Not going to have someone call me a liar here on the forums. You want a KSM, Im offering you a free one.

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But what does STR mean?

Counter argument

You joining the game was :dracthyr_tea:

this seems exaggerated just a bit man. if they did 2k they either died or are just auto attacking. u can press ur rotation in the wrong way on purpose and in dungeon bis you will still do over 10k dps

Oh that’s actually great! I didn’t know that. Now I’m mad I missed the beginning of the season. I MAY NEVER Mythic plus.

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Maybe before but not these days.

It’s played out and Ion is looking to make M+ it’s escape goat for his own failure to elevate raids.

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I haven’t run 2s in over a week, so I’m not sure what the landscape is like. I’m sure people are still valor farming/item farming though. If you want to try it some time hit me up with a reply and I’ll go if I’m free

Welcome to Choreghast baby, you can solo the entire tower all day long without the need to pug :v:

You have no control over pug groups. Some people with low io and decent gear can pull high and some with best gears still do low dps. That’s a part of pugging M+. However, you can up you skill level and gear to carry back pugs. It’s just so easy to gear up from M+

I’m confused why you’re addicted to it and subjecting yourself to bad runs? Are you hoping for gear at the end and so you’re subjecting yourself to bad runs? It’s also perfectly fine to leave a key that’s going no where fast. Just gg go next.

Problem is you wanting external validation for your favorite content

Like you enjoy M+ and timer…thats good…continue with your runs

Differing opinions arent hurting your content at all.

PS - Everything is subjective here

I wish blizz put out stats of how many accounts (not characters) ran m+ at each avg key level for each season/iteration since legion compared to overall subbed accounts at the time. As well as add in number of keys run per week (how many run 20, 50 or more per week as an upper extreme).

But then again that would have to disclose sub count so it wouldn’t happen. I really don’t doubt that there being a population of people rolling multiple alts doing multiple keys per week. It happens even in my f&f guilds. Just imagine the number of keys run by mythic players.


Wow wish I was in there to watch. Sounds so much fun!

Ok hes trolling now. he has to be.


So you want better gear so you can solo 2s, is that what you’re saying? It’s such a weird way to say it. You say you love running 2s, but then say you find the content despicable and painful. Like all of that is just super confusing.

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It can be if someone or 2 people are rolling with giga trash ilvl. Did a +2 for the dungeon weekly recently. Had 2 players at like 220 ilvl while I was on my alt at like 260. 3 chested junkyard but it felt as long as doing a 15 in bfa.

Probably what that person experienced, when they did it. People doing keys when they can’t even be bothered to play right or do the world content to get above solo ilvl. And then dragging down group performance.

The game has evovled, gotta let the past go mate lol.

I have never liked mythic+ and even I think you’re wrong