Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

Glad it’s there for the folks who enjoy it, but imo it only helped contribute to this go, go rush through everything mentality. I mean there has always been that portion of players who always wanted to hurry, or rush through things in this game, but it has gotten worse since its inception. Again just my opinion.


Then ignore it. I do M+ on 6 toons now. This toon is 3rd to complete my KSM. I hate it so I get it out of the way as quickly as possible when I can. I am far behind this season.
Maybe it will become like Challange Modes. Go away forever soon never to be seen again and moved into Legacy category.

I like timers in games. All the old Nintendo 64 games I played had lots of timers in them. Like for 1080. You cant take forever in that and still get your win. Or in Zelda OoT. So many timed things and if you try to cheat with teleporting, you will automatically lose. Marios 64, timed stuff thru lots of it. Mario Kart. Other fighting games, have to do certain amount of damage to the boss in a certain amount of tie or you will auto lose. In SC2 there are so many achievements that are timed. If you don’t like timers, then you shouldn’t be playing games.

I disagree


Level 60 from SL. Not a level 45 boosted toon.

No, I like this char

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You don’t do mythics. So your opinion regarding mythics does not matter.

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I will still post it on GD if topic arises :slight_smile:

Feel free to ignore it

Have a nice day :slight_smile:


Damn, ouch.

That hurt lol

I already said before here on these exact forums that I get carry on some toons get on others. Already posted about my legos. You are not going to force me to play how you want me to play. Not Chinese bots btw. Blizz wont allow someone like you to cancel a community. Go complain about ruin some more. That thread you people made crying about RUIN gaming was pretty funny. Only people banned were those complaining about the group. Already said I buy some and sell some. That is a well-known fact. I got 2 carries on this toon. I wont deny it one bit. I had well over a million gold when I started. Now I do not. Jealous cuz you have no friends who will carry you. I carry other people on my main. Thats how I get a discount with my gold. It is fine. Blizzard allows it.


People who like to formulate strategies, coordinate cooldowns, and plan routes for efficiency. People like me and my friends.

Lower was always buggy, don’t pull the after opera trash to the back of the stage or 9 times out of 10 you will pull the adds from below. Keep it near the doorway and against the railing.

If it weren’t for keys, I wouldn’t be playing this game at all. The only content I’ve ever enjoyed in WoW is endgame PVE, and I’m not 19 anymore, I don’t have the time to mythic raid. So the closest thing I can get to the specific kind of challenge that I seek is mythic+, and I have a blast doing it generally.

The people I’ve encountered in-game who proclaim to dislike mythic+ tend to be the people who prefer not to learn the ins and outs of their classes, specs and abilities. They are overwhelmed by the mechanics because, the higher the key, the more punishing a lack of interrupts/stuns and overall game sense are.

And that’s fine if they want to play that way, it’s their $15. But they shouldn’t come calling for the death of a pillar of endgame content because it doesn’t cater to their very specific playstyle and skill level. I don’t PVP, I have no opinion on its existence or current state because it’s not my place.


yo guys when u do m+ please interrupt that’s all, and use ur stuns off cd please :slight_smile:


I used to be one of those guys who only raided and never did M+…

I started M+ a month ago because I got tired of my guildies being 10+ ilvls ahead of me…

I’ve now quit 2 of my 3 raiding guilds and spend a majority of my time doing M+ on alts and learning these dungeons inside and out. I used to hate M+ but honestly… just give it a try. It’s a breath of fresh air.


They aren’t bots. I run with people on my friends list. Some of you people even made a massive thread complaining about the people I run with, got my carries from. And you were the ones who got a ban for doing so. Calling out players and communities by their names is against the rules and is a bannable offense.

So already said before I get carried on 3 toons, earn it on my first two. Only way to get a good deal you know. Too bad you cant do that. Sell battle pets, sell WoW tokens, sell mounts, sell stuff on your main. You’d be Surprised how many of the carries buy carries on their alts. If you wanna accuse me of using millions of gold to buy my carry on this toon, I’ll come right out and say it. Already said it here before.

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My favorite line from buyers was always “I don’t need a carry”.

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I actually do on most of my toons.

“Do I get a discount if I can pull my weight?”

Sending virtual gouges your way <3

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Yeah its not toooo easy and I can definitely see people messing it up.

That’s why I use the press W route, if we clear everything we can’t accidently pull.

I give carries as well. All those on my friends list know it. You seem bitter. I will GIVE you a free KSM carry then. Since you wanna doubt me. Straight 15s all across. Only fool would say no to a free KSM. See even Kennie here with 37k achieve points doesn’t have a KSM on that toon yet. Go ahead and doubt and troll and make fun. Your loss on a free KSM if you say no.

And no. The point I was getting at is I dont like people complaining about something that they themselves never even do. You do it. You arent here complaining about it.

Nearly 100% of the people on the forums who complain about end game almost always have never attempted the content themselves. That was the point I was getting at. look at how many others here who have not done their keys, I dont go after them. Only go after those who began this lie. But you think I never give carries. Kinda want to show that I do. I buy some, sell some.

Also as for me posting a toon like this… this is my main posting toon. Im not going to back down and post on my main. I always post on my paladin. Its the people who have only a few dozen posts who are posting on alts.

Oh… you just got mail btw. From Zasdsfsgjnhu your server. Level 2 hunter. Mail back for your free KSM carry. Then you can be like “Oh she does give carries as well. Cool”

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