Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

I spent 65 minutes week 1 in a +2 Lower Kara but other than that the majority of the time my pug groups breeze through 2’s even if they undergeared or still learning.

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yea it doesnt happen often. But when it happens you know it’s just BAD lol

honestly +2 - +9 dont try to skip anything. If there’s a chance people will face pull it they will.

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My route sub 10 is press W, treat the entire team like bots that need babysitting.

Anything more complicated than press W is asking for trouble. I remember pugging DoS a few dozen times and not ONCE did the entire team get the mechagon wing skip properly.


Stack haste

The keys that bricked were all due to extremely inexperienced tanks and 2-3 very clueless or average dps. I just got really unlucky several times in bfa. Also I was dumb enough to stick around.

I was running 15s at the time on other characters, I just decided to try hpal and it made me bench my hpal again lmao.

I do tend to find a lot if tanks in low keys who are new to the idea of mitigation and cds. Probably because levelling dungeons don’t need it.

I also met one paladin using a low level int 1h to tank. That was…interesting

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That my route for up to +15. You can’t trust pugs to easily do a no brainer skip.

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I’ve had prot warriors(more than 1) that didn’t know they needed a shield and was trucking along with a 2H weapon.


I had a bear in a mid level plaguefall who just moon fired and nothing else, but I think he was trolling. The rest of the group got upset with me for calling it out and not the tank for doing it though.

You meet some interesting characters when pugging


Did he have a higher io than you?

I’ve found that a big part of the problem in M+ is some lower io players treat higher io players like gods…I had a key last season where I was tanking and it was VERY obvious i made a mistake but since my io was higher the entire team started blaming the healer :man_facepalming:

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You know what’s the best thing that happened to this game?

Me. :nail_care:

had some1 rage out on me in Mist last season when I was death gripping the fox to my healer :rofl: obviously healer is w/ me on discord and we were meme-ing. The guy that left told the heals to stopping being bad and avoid the foxes :rofl:


To be fair that skip was kind of hard

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I’m conflicted on it.

I think, in a vacuum, as a standalone feature, it’s a good thing. It keeps dungeon content relevant, instead of just being this giant dev resource sink that we romp through for like 2 weeks before totally outclassing for the rest of an expansion. Older Badge/VP systems kept us queueing into them, but it was always forced, and resulting in people capable of soloing the content dragging random groups of fresh players through the content at breakneck speed, which… isn’t a good experience. M+ keeps people in the content without it being a total mess. A+. I’ve often found myself wishing something similar existed in FFXIV, because the lack of meaningful dungeon content there irks me to no end.

But in a more indirect way, I do think its had an unhealthy effect on the game.

The nature of an endgame pillar with with no currency gating or lockouts drastically increased the speed at which we gear. It’s tough for people to say “I don’t like this” when they’re getting more loot. More stronger is more good, right? But, bigger picture, we’ve shortened gearing to a roughly 3 week process (estimating an average here, no-lifes can make that a single weekend, super casuals will take longer). It used to be something that took, you know, like 3-4 months of raiding and spending Valor / Badges / Whatever. And some might argue that “that’s too long”, but the reality is we’re still playing a game that functions on 4-7 month patch cycles (barring the final patch which tends to last longer). Mythic+ has created a situation where the primary carrot on the stick falls off EXTREMELY early into any given patch, when it used to be almost guaranteed to be there for the lion’s share of said patch.

People have always made alts to experience different perspectives and shake things up, but it was never a necessity to feel like you’re still progressing like it is now. If you aren’t gearing several alts every patch, you run out of meaningful progress well before a patch is over.

And because of the “more stronger, more good” sentiment I mentioned earlier, there’s realistically no going back on this. Blizzard introduced this accelerated gearing, then left it in the game for 6 years with minimal changes. Any attempt to take it away or reduce it now will be met with extreme backlash. It’s not possible to do so anymore without causing some level of exodus from the game.

And that’s why I hate M+. Because it’s accelerated the core gameplay loop to the detriment of longevity, and it’s never going to change, because Blizzard decided it was fine this way at some point.

(And that’s not even getting into its effects on Raiding itself, which I have plenty of opinions on).


No they don’t, stop lying. Why would you lie, lying McLiar pants?

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Guys, I’m too inexperienced/undergeared to get invited to pug 15s, therefore M+ is the worst thing to ever happen to the game. I’m sorry, but it’s true.


Why should gearing take months when the patch itself only lasts for 4 months


Always consider folks I chat with in a videogame an acquaintance.

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I would’ve quit in WoD if M+ didn’t become a thing.


I thought it was only Mythic dungeons in warlords and mythic plus was created in Legion? Maybe I missed the M+ thing towards the end of WoD tho when they added Mythic dungeons.


you’re not wrong. WoD had m0 and challenge mode. Legion started M+