Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

Well I defend M+ because its my only form of content. No one likes their content nerfed right? I cant commit to a raid team, dont have the time for it.
I used to PvP on the side cause it was quick and fast in and out content.
If loot rewards were nerfed I would still run it, unless it was nerfed into hot garbage like BFA M+.

This doesn’t happen. In keys or raids, list your own group and fill it with the people you want. It really is that easy.

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Typical GD mentality, anyone that plays the game is “boosted”

When someone that actually engages in the content and calls you out for your BS you automatically revert to you’re boosted and M+ is bad its ruining the community.

If you’re looking for an echo chamber this is the wrong place bud, people that actually play the game know you’re full of it.


M+ defenders say that it’s easier to fill those groups than to raid, that it’s fun to do those dungeons, that they enjoy a quick blast-through of a dungeon with their friends, that they quite often get good loot from doing it, & so on.

Granted, those are all opinions, but they’re much more of an argument than the “sorry but it’s true” assertion the OP spat up.

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I’m guessing gd means god damn casuals…

Very nice…class act.
I wonder why there are people who refuse to do mythic plus…

So basically anyone without the same opinion you hold is wrong, interesting take.

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Well if the shoe fits…if you want to label yourself and act like a casual people are going to treat you like one.

You assume casual = bad,

I’m casual in S4 with a few hours a week to play but I like M+ and have had no issues pugging even on low io/ilvl.

I only raid 1 night a week and have easily done most of the end game content that Blizzard has to offer so far.

If you can’t hear them it must not be true :roll_eyes:

simply because we dont want M+ to be a ceasepool like what happened w/ LFR and LFD

Considering the classic char, I’m gonna assume dungeons like BRD.

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You’ve done about 5 keys in the last 2 xpac.

No raid or pvp prog so I don’t know why you even have such a strong opinion on something that’s basically irrelevant to you at the moment.

What exactly is your gripe with the content?

You can’t get into groups?
Timers got your knickers in a knot?
Too many leavers?

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What are the subs remaining? 1 mil? lol And the fact that bliz caters to m+? Otherwise why would they cater to m+? And if at some point they stopped then they’d definitely lose a chunk if not all. Hence I said that its propped on by m+.

Or it might mean “General Discussion”.

You know. The forum you are posting in.


it means General Discussion my dude. calm down.


Vanilla/TBC you run the same dungeon over and over for months at the EXACT SAME DIFFICULTY. At least M+ has a scaling difficulty regardless of how badly you think it’s designed, at least its not exactly the same every time.

Let’s spend a bunch of time chain CC’ing 80% of the pack so we can press 1 button to all blast 1 monster for 5 minutes.

Keep up with your copium man :man_facepalming:

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I just think most of them are just bad at the game and want to make any excuse possible.

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The craziest thing is M+2’s even for a super casual group is quite easy.

You can have a full group of 200 ilvl toons and do it 1 pack at a time and still time it with plenty of time to spare as long as everyone pulls their weight.

People acting like M2 is some sort of impossible content with a very HIGH barrier on entry when in reality its not like that at all.

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It’s easily the best end game addition they’ve added. It’s revitalized casual gameplay.

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you’d be surprise. I’ve joined some horrid +2s


I’ve been witness to bricked +2s in bfa. I was healing on hpal and the groups would just rack up deaths like nothing. Had one underrot disband with 40 deaths before even touching first boss.

Trying to skip leeches. Butt pulling multiple pulls. Standing in front of cleaves. Pulling the, harder side. No kicks. No mitigation on prot warrior (perma full rage bar and needed babysitting).

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You can do 15s pulling one pack at a time. Heck, most of my 20s have been done with primarily only single packs, occasionally double when we have cooldowns.

It’s so much easier to get 5 people together than 10-30, and it’s only for a 25-40 minute block of time, too, rather than several hours in the evening for raid.