Mythic+ has probably damaged WoW worse than anything ever added

Only thing I could think of is some sort of token system where first kills of Mythic bosses gave one gear token to every participant. The cons is this makes gearing way easier and people will obviously just get their best in slot from every boss (Maybe one token per wing would work better?)…only question is if that even is an issue. Blizzard seems to have made it very clear they don’t intend for you to gear through mythic, the ilvl difference between hero gear and myth track is very miniscule. If you’re doing mythic raiding solely to get more gear you’re wasting your time lol.

This is no longer true in TWW, it’s back to 13 ilvl with a 6/6 myth track instead of 4/4 and no “Rare bonus ilvl” items.

This is such a juvenile view on the topic. You sound like some petulant child throwing a tantrum here.


If we are back to 13 item level gaps between difficulties, it makes me wonder why bother having the upgrade system at all.


Lets look at what you have stated in the past.

Here is a previous conversational line.

Here is you advocating for a time period of WoW’s past where there isnt anything to do, allowing you to quit playing. Implying that this is what Blizzard should return to.


Wokeness damaged wow worse than anything. Total population has never recorvered.

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I absolutely love when people make this argument.

May this game rorst in peace.

M+ has not damaged wow… it is flat out the best addition ever made to the game…

What it has ruined for me at least is the raid gearing experience. Unless I go back to hardcore mythic raiding… my raid gearing experience (outside of specific items) is nonexistent. I’m more than good enough for my M+ rewards to outstrip heroic gearing and even casual mythic raiding. It’s just down to how much time I have.

I’ve always pressed for separating the gearing as they did with PvP, but no one wants to manage multiple gear sets, and some like being able to augment their raid strength with M+. It’s a no win situation and they can’t please everyone. In this specific regard they have chosen to not please me. Such is life.


that is why IMO i always say and as a proud owner of the amani war bear, that Zul’Aman was the best raid ever designed (boss encounter wise) especially for its time. Its like every boss had their own niche, then it was Hex Lord, who was this little wall after the animal bosses, then Zul’Jin who has his own little thing going but also the combined forces of all the animal bosses.

I feel like heart of fear was a direct copy of this with all the bosses having their own specialty then it was amber shaper who kinda did his own thing and then grand empress who had a little touch of them all. maybe that is why i love heart of fear so much to i guess. plus the bug mobs are just cool.

i miss stuff like this. i dunno maybe im just too old school.

Well since I came up with the formula I should know. Wokeness = the sum of political correctness and mental illness times applied force.

Could you give me the specific examples of “woke” in WoW that removed the playerbase?

Now remember. You need to reference WotLk and Cata.

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M+ is just one example for the competition in gaming these days.

When I started playing video games, we did not have that. We were all in it together and we did not have tools to pin point weak links in our party.

It was a much better environment, just think about it. If you walk the street and would know exactly what degree everyone next to you has, how much money he earns, how old he is or if he has a criminal record, don´t you think it would change how you behave?`

In gaming these days, you know everything about the people in your party, if we talk game related stuff. That just creates a toxic environment and lots of prejudice.


I agree. There is a heavy shift in player expectations:

  • To perform just as the “pros” because they do it, so can you.
  • To acquiesce to the meta, because any other format would definitely fail the run.
  • To leave because the key will fail, and egos are too frail to take an L and try again.

These are a few examples of high toxicity in today’s gaming landscape that have stained not just mythic plus but other high-end activities.

This is probably the biggest misconception with regard to meta chasing that gets perpetuated all the time. Acquiescing to the meta isn’t about the run being impossible when off-meta, it has to do with the likelihood of success.

Even with all the tools available to me as a group leader, I have very little information regarding the players that are applying to my run; I have even less information on how they are going to perform in the group I am forming. If I have a meta spec applying and a non-meta spec applying both demonstrating similar accomplishments, in many cases the meta spec is going to perform the non-meta spec on average. That’s why it was meta in the first place. Me taking the meta spec in that circumstance shouldn’t be viewed as me suggesting we couldn’t have succeeded with the non-meta spec, merely that I thought the best chances for success were to take the meta spec.

Yes, there are extreme examples of people waiting far longer than they should at levels where even non-meta will have a high chances of success, and those players are just hurting their own play time. Yes, there are times when certain specs are meta solely because of the kinds of pulls they enable are required/possible with higher levels of coordination than the average group will bring. Yes, there are ranges where a non-meta spec reaching a certain IO might suggest more success than bringing a possible FOTM meta-jumper. But in general, taking meta is going to result in a higher likelihood of success than non-meta.

Ego has absolutely nothing to do with why a lot of people leave keys that will fail. We all have limited amounts of time for all activities, WoW included. As soon as it’s clear the group will not meet the goals I had for the group, any remaining time I commit to the group is just wasting that limited time. If I have time to try again with meeting whatever goal I had if I leave now, yet won’t if I stay to see the key to completion, that’s what I’m going to do; I already took the L when the group reached a point it was clear it couldn’t meet the goals.

M+ is just boring content. It is super repetitive, causes massive burn out, it is fixated on a very limited amount of content. The only people it appeals to are people that find it hard to raid, and competitive types that need to play the game 24/7.

M+ hasn’t helped the game one bit if you look at the financial reports and leaked sub data from the GDC.

The forum zealots that champion like it is the savior of WoW live in an echo chamber, they are just what is left of the remaining player base that tolerated the changes made to retail.

M+ doesn’t really solve the lack of content issue that players have been complaining about for years, all it does is recycle the small amount of new dungeons and it recycles content we played for years already.

M+ to me, was just a cheap way to get more play time out of players without having to make new content.

I always bring out this point to every M+ defender, that if M+ was extremely popular, then why isn’t Blizzard focusing more resources towards dungeon content?

M+ is a just a crutch that Blizzard has been leaning on for far too long.

What is the alternative to “repetitive content in MMOs” Which is what the genre is based out of.

The only thing you have talked about is how people could unsub once they were done raiding. Why cant they still do that?

Why is it bad for other people to enjoy things you dont?

You never really talk about this. Only implying if people enjoy M+ they are wrong, and they shouldnt. That content should be removed. Implying that people are being forced at gunpoint to continue to participate in m+.

good - “pin pointing the weak link” is a natural evolution of coop game design, it’s a natural evolution of repetition and problem solving

at some point you understand the content and what to do and your class and whatever rest of the game, there’s a certain ‘skill plateau’ you reach eventually - if you still fail at content you start to look at why and at some point you’re gonna find out someone isn’t carrying their weight

you have no right to other people playing with you or even worse, you don’t have the right to not try and slack off when nobody else is and the social expectation is to improve until you at least win

if people get cut out, then that’s a democractic decision, people are choosing the goal over ‘people’, maybe the people being cut out don’t have enough value by themselves to be chosen over the goal, because it sure as hell doesn’t happen 100% of the time

This genre was not based on repetitive content. Your takes on MMOs and this game are some of the most misinformed bs I have ever read. You will say just about anything to defend this game.

I have watched you for years just shill for this game. I feel bad for you in some ways, it is obvious this game is a high priority in your life. I always wondered how you had so much time to rack up 100k posts and still have time to play the game?

It has been a fun ride Akston, but I’m done, truly done. This will be my last post I ever make on these forums, because I’m just done with this game and with Blizzard. Tired of shelling out money for game that is designed by people that just flat out despise the people that play their game.

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Can you name a single MMORPG that does not have repetitive content?

This has been what, the 2nd or 3rd time you’ve told me this?

I dont have 100k posts. I play the game plenty. Remember, you are the one that encourages the gameplay to return to a point where people quit.