Mythic+ has probably damaged WoW worse than anything ever added

More unique accounts probably run LFR vs M+.

Every single M+ defender goes down the same rabbit hole of trying to use Raiderio to prove it is popular. Fact is, you don’t really know, because raiderio doesn’t show the amount of people that run vs the accounts that dont.

Furthermore, just because a system gets particpation, doesn’t mean people actually like it.

M+ is the single fastest and easiest way to gear a fresh character, so it is a no-brainer that people will gravitate towards this content.

Getting back to what we were talking about though, I’m still wondering how M+ saved the game, when sub chart showed that WoW is still losing players year over year, and each expansion launch has the typical fall off.

How did this single system save the game again?

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I wouldn’t be so quick to call M+ welfare gear, it’s biggest advantage over raiding is time and size of group.

I can’t do regular raiding, my schedule so erratic. But I can easily knock out a couple dungeons whenever I have time to log in whether it’s after work, on a day off or even while the wife is on a shopping trip mid morning

Ah yes, your views on the game are superior to everyone else, and anyone that doesn’t agree with you is a moron.


Us not getting gear from content we enjoy because the elitists are the big mad that “blizzard” is forcing them to run M+.

There are three PvE tracks to gear, M+, delves and raids. Elitists need to learn to cope rather than trying to take things away from the rest of us.

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Nobody cares how you get gear lol

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Idk if y’all have realised but myth track is 6/6 in TWW not 4/4. Meaning maxed m+ gear will be 13 ilvls from mythic raid gear, not 6, and crafted will be 10 ilvls away.

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M+ is MUCH funnier than raiding so whatever.

Who hurt you? We are discussing ways to encourage folks to keep running their loved content. While at the same time, increasing mode participation for other content.

We are not advocating to dismiss the importance of M+ and the gameplay loop it creates.

I think forcing people to carry around a set of m+ gear and raid gear isn’t particularly helping honestly.


It is people like you that can’t debate. You can’t accept that people have different views on the game. I get that people like M+, and I understand why they like it, but the main reason they like it is because it is the easiest way to gear in the game.

My main beef with M+ is that it needs to be brought into balance with the rest of the end game. Right now, for the effort and time investment, it outclasses all other forms of end game content when it comes to rewards.

I think it is funn you called me a troll. Look at your post history, anyone that doesn’t agree with you is a troll.

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It is a suggestion.
Another one is to bake it account wide. Sort of like a talent tree, exclusive to keys.

Don’t we already have that though?

If I like the content, I’m going to run it

But the number is so big on raiderio and accounts that apparently aren’t shown into this statistic can be doing tons of different stuff not just lfr. Plenty of people only lvl alts, farm herbs, do pet battles, etc.
We are talking about 20 million runs. So the mode is insanely popular.

Are you trying to say people do m+ to make their progress in raids easier? That just throws the earlier argument you and your buddy had about making sepparate gear for m+ straight outta window.

Because number stopped declining as fast as they did before introduction of said system. That’s why I told you to check numbers of most successful mode compared to other modes.

By giving players options besides dying ones. Again.

I’m sorry I and others made you feel that way, but you are really bad with numbers.

No I’m sure it’s people that ignore answers and keep repeating the same questions but whatever girl.

us pvpers have to do it. Having multiple gear sets has always been part of the game. This idea that you only need 1 gear set is just dumb for a MMO this size.

Clearly it’s not working since we have folks who don’t enjoy running certain content. Yet are forced to for x/y/z reasons.

You may have problems with how it’s being presented, but if you measure in terms of ‘I need to gear up a character quickly for PvE’, M+ is the only viable option, because it has no rate limit.

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I don’t think anyone below the level of a mythic raider is really “forced” into m+, but it’s not an unfair point.

Think HP’s solution was the simplest and most effective. Grinadable gear caps at champion, so the ilvl isn’t so high. Limited currency to upgrade gear over time. Seems fair to me.

Counterpoint, though, is if this then “forces” people who otherwise have no interests in raids into raiding. Why is that fair when the reverse supposedly isn’t?

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You haven’t proved anything with your comments.

You said M+ saved the game. How did M+ save a game that financially was doing just fine, and has followed the past trends of the game since 2004.

I mean, the sub data leaked at the GDC showed the same peaks and valleys the game has had since forever.

Every time a player like that rants and raves about how much better a player they are than you and how this means you don’t get the right to talk about WoW, remember this video…

Speed running WoW is a very different game, to the point where exploits and unintended game play are perfectly valid expressions of skill.



I’d agree this is a fundamental problem