The only thing ruining the game are a few who play a certain way insisting everyone play exactly as they do and who are nasty to those who don’t. And even then by “ruin” I mean representing the community in a way that makes us all seem unpleasant. You can avoid M+ and still enjoy the game. It’s there for players who like that challenge and you can make your own learning group.
In fact there’s a little drop-down when you create a group where you can select learning/progression that’ll keep the gogogoggogogogo screamy-face players from joining. Usually. But that is meant for new players or people new to M+
Raiding is fine. PvP is unrelated. I raid more than I PvP but they are two entirely different play styles. M+ is just another avenue to get and level gear.
If I had any complaint about M+ it’s that the breakneck speed and shortcuts often deployed in M+ show up in heroic dungeons if you queue. But we have follower dungeons now and anyone can go in and learn what to expect. I see delves as just another way for people to do the things.
So… you polled everyone from both sides and determined that your own experience is the prevalent one? How many should I have to ask before? Seems a bit (a lot) hypocritical to me.
Do you honestly think the old style end game of max lvl - heroics - raids was seriously going to keep the game afloat? They hemorrhaged players because the end game was incredibly limited, you did your weekly raid and you had literally no other avenue of amping your toon’s power. Heroics became obsolete extremely quickly.
you are genuinely mind boggling blindfolded, a blizzard shill, and lying to yourself if you actually truly believe that 3rd party things like addons, weakauras, etc are not a barrier to entry for new players.
you are a blizzard shill if you truly believe you dont need any of those to be competitive with average players and join them in content without those things
the barrier to entry of this game is insane because of stuff like that
I’ve been playing FFXIV lately just to kill time and I gotta ask…combat? You sure you were playing FF? I’ve definitely had nights where I dumped 2+ hours into the game and fought a single mob. Fun story, though.
a new player shouldn’t have to download and go through 23048234 steps just to be able to start playing the game at a normal average level.
its not an opinion. you NEED to have the best classes, best specs, and go through 1000 ridiculous steps just to be able to play with others or be accepted.
I don’t like M+ either, but I have no idea how many people are playing M+ for the gear versus how many people play M+ simply because they like the mode.
Removing M+ might not encourage old players to come back or new players to stick around, it might just cause the current players to leave.
I think this is secondary to the active steps they made that turned out to be colossal mistakes.
I don’t see this as a factor in the decline of instanced PvP.
This is one of the decisions that I was referring to.
WoD: PvP gear fast and easy to get, honor gear almost as good as conquest gear. Everybody I knew was capping conquest every week. Peak participation.
Legion: Let’s try something different, let’s give templates that scale up based on your artifact traits and ilvl. People are complaining that they don’t like the stats we gave them? Screw them. We’ll try something different next expansion.
BfA: The team with the best PvE gear wins!
Shadowlands: Farm honor for months to buy gear and upgrade it, then start again with the next reset.
Dragonflight: [Here’s where your complaint goes in the history of screwing with PvP]
I’ll add mythic plus to “the worst thing ever added to WoW” bin.
Anyone remember the anti transmog threads saying that mog removed the ability to tell who was good at WoW at a glance, since people could mog gear they “didn’t earn?”
Anyone remember the anti LFR because people could get gear without doing “real raiding?”
Both of the threads in the past claimed these things were the worst thing ever added to WoW, and yet both of them are still in the game and I doubt mythic + is the worst thing added to WoW.
Smaller form content is nice for folks who want something to do outside of raid and PVP.
I am glad delves are coming to the game, but reality is if you are going to mythic raid, your end game will be between mythic + and raiding.
I haven’t used RIO since Blizzard implemented their own system. RIO is utterly and COMPLETELY unnecessary to anyone but the 77 people pushing ultra high Keys. And … I don’t even think THEY need it. They just use it to track score better. The mods they actually need are merely used to track similar players so they can form groups better.
As with so many things: The Blizzard UI is fine. It’s just trendy to reject the default of anything by sophomoric dullards.
How Blizzard tracks your M+ progression is perfectly fine.