Mythic+ has probably damaged WoW worse than anything ever added

It’s good to have an option that requires fewer people, like Mythic+. Having to gather two soccer teams’ worth of people to get good gear sucks.


oof sorry didnt mean to pinch a nerve

You absolutely do not need dbm for normal content. Quit lying.


I love m+ if we didn’t have m+ i wouldn’t be playing WOw.


so people pushing beyond 10s are doing it for gear!??!?!. thats insane lol i didnt know i wash pusing io just so that i can farm gear.


You don’t need addons to do ”normal content”. My buddy gets AotC and KSH every season with zero addons.


lol you really have no objective reply to the fact that weak auras is just better than the base ui.

me too i got aotc nzoth and argus with zero addons

i was also dead and afk

…or, perhaps, people play with they enjoy the most? Some of us like shorter duration content with a close group of friends rather than long form raid content that takes hours where the hardest progression wall really ends up being the roster boss, as the season progresses.

As for PvP, until they make PvP gear entire cosmetic and return to a place where gear doesn’t matter, I’ll get my PvP fix in other games.


It’s literally always the people who don’t do crap in this game that say crap like this. “Wah, M+ hurt raids.” You don’t have a single raid FoS.

S1 Combatant isn’t any ground to stand on either.


To pug you at least need raider io, or you’re not gonna get invited to anything. Unless your friend had a guild to carry him without addons.

m+ has nothing to do with pvp game problems. that is a whole topic on its own.

people who want to raid will raid. they will join guilds that raid and they will do that.

M+ is a great game mode.

It allows people to form specific groups of just 5 people who are going to do something for a specific amount of time.

and M+ dungeon takes ~30 minutes rather than 2 hours for a raid.

if you can’t dedicate one or two nights a week to raiding, you can:
-hop into m+ for an hour here and there
-run a handful of M+ dungeons
-have a chance at some loot
-earn resources to boost the gear you already have
-earn vault items
-work on a rating score that gives you goals and feels like progress

and you don’t have to push the uber edge of the content to earn a title and/or a mount.


He main tanks raids and +10 keys with no issue without addons so NEEDING addons for “normal content” is more a skill issue IMO.

Nope, he seems to PUG his AotC just fine without it.


Would you consider raider iO scores rewards? I like seeing that go up well after the reward tracks stop. M+ in an organized group, to me, is just an intimate raid setting with friends who enjoy each others company but who don’t know ~10 more people.

It’s an extension of the very first collaborative entity - the party - established in the first iteration of WoW.

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id rather get carried for free than put in the work

No you dont. You do get invited, youre just so stuck thinking these things you cant fathom others doing it without them.


You do know you get score and such with our without the addon.

All the addon does is show your score, best dungeon, raid prog, etc., with a mouseover so you can get a glimps without having to look their name up on the website.

It doesn’t have anything at all to do getting a score.


just put him on ignore hes in a mythic raiding guild talking about how addons are bad.

the party been a thing since DnD

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Yeah, but was just relating that to WoW, but good call.