Mythic+ has probably damaged WoW worse than anything ever added

Before, you couldn’t really grind so people were perpetually stronger. (Worst was MOP Legendary cloak.)

In fairness, unless I am misremembering, one of the TWW changes is allowing mythic raids to be cross server.

My view of raiding is in stages:

1> Learning/ progression.
2> Locking it down.

No one does all that in 2 weeks. Not in 4-6 hours a week.

Phase 1/ progression was the fastest it’s ever been in S3, and that took 4-5 weeks.

Phase 2, locking it down, tends to take another 1-3 weeks.

Phase 3 of DOMINATING that content … lol I mean… that’s FUN!!! That’s where all the gear, and all that work finally pays off!! It’s what you worked toward! For me, that fun doesn’t wear off for 3-4 weeks. If not more.

So that’s easily 9 weeks of content. And that’s using the fastest Season that’s ever been in the game. It’s normally around 12 weeks.

TWO WEEKS?? I think you just have to admit you don’t like raiding at that point. lol

So you haven’t actually raided. No shot, you think it takes 9 weeks for it to become trivial.

Yes, this meant that your gear progression was more valuable and that you couldn’t just play a couple weeks and catchup. I’m not saying that no catchup is the solution but current gearing system is pretty irrelevant and boring.

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i dont remember but if so that will be nice

i dont think i can play wow seriously for much of tww sadly. senior year. but if wows still kicking when im done i’ll take a shot at raiding again

i almost got back into raiding earlier this xpac (i think it was going into s3) but couldnt commit to the realm xfer. thats been my biggest gripe with mythic

i thought i was set going from s1-s2 but the guild i was in (joined somewhat late in vault) split in half and then dealt with very bad roster rot

there is too much gear right now. (So people don’t really get stronger week after week.)

Being mostly caught up if someone were inclined to do so is good.

Cross Realm Mythic on day 1 and Cross Realm guilds will definitely alleviate some things.

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I would still rather the catchup was more centered on doing all content than mostly M+, and definitely M+ being an infinite loot pinata is a big issue in term of making gear more relevant in the long term. I think once a .5 patch happen that for example raids should get a 50% loot drop buff. This would also mean that doing previous raid content if relevant would have a 50% buff also.

M+ saved WoW in my opinion. Numbers were massively dwindling and people would just raid log. At least now people do a lot of M+ and are much more active. It also gives players a chance to get gear outside of raid. I think it’s a good thing to have it in the game, and NGL, most people who really are anti M+ are pretty much low end players incapable of pushing keys. When they get carried or get better they always change their tune and support M+.

Which is honestly close to the main reason why I don’t do any serious raiding at all.

Every raid guild I’ve joined I joined to play with friends and family, and because I am self admittingly, not super hardcore dps, I’d never be in their raid group…which meant I just didn’t play WoW with my friends and family lol. The last time was the worse back in BFA, we created a guild that was supposed to be a casual guild for very casual raiding…until it ended up merging with another ‘casual’ guild that decided hey lets become a Heroic/Mythic raid guild…and I was once again benched lol.

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buffing raid loot by 50% across the board wouldn’t be a bad idea to close the gap between guilds who do splits and guilds who do not.

it was miserable because if i had to work nights or whatever, id have to call out, and that literally ruined raid night for everyone else because chances are we were fighting to get 20 already

atm im like a guest in an old guild i used to raid with back in shadowlands. theyre tiny and super casual, my parses are trash, but theyre nice

What I dislike about M+ is that 90% of the difficulty … is overcoming the UI!!! lol

I can’t see which way mobs are facing (frontals).
Nameplates cover up important info.
Narrow halls/ low ceilings ROYALLY screw over melee classes.

I could make this list 50 items long, where NONE of my issues with M+ are about kicking, or getting out of puddles, or any actual MECHANICS, but simply that the UI doesn’t do a good job of letting us SEE or REACT to these mechanics.

Sorry, but I don’t find that fun.

That’s like playing a challenging console game, and your annoying roommate keeps jumping in front of the TV to block your view. I mean… it’s harder, RIGHT?!?

That’s exactly how I feel about M+.

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This ain’t true. Or at least the phrasing is misleading. 1M m+ runs is about the weekly average, and it surges at the start of the session to 3-4M. Compared to the ~20k Solo Shuffles and 90k raids.

It’s popular because it’s fun.


i love m+ but agree camera boss is real sometimes

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I only push as far as the rewards are available. Meaning past portals and KSH, I stop. It’s so much easier and stress free to run +8s for your weekly vaults.

God yes, dungeons like Jade Serpent are so annoying for that, particularly the path from 2nd to 3rd boss.

court of stars was notorious

and last boss of brackenhide, still havent figured out what im meant to do in there camera-wise

Yeah that’s all I do. KSH/ Portals… and done.

I honestly only go after portals “cause it’s there.” With their long CD, they’re just this side of useless.

99% of the time, I’ve found myself flying to a location and once I’m there I say “oh… I had a portal to this, I could have just used that.”

What do they REALLY save? One minute?? MAYBE two?? I was shocked when I timed myself and found it didn’t even take 2 minutes to get to a SL dungeon! Even with the time those stupid netherworms take to shuttle us to each zone, it just doesn’t take that long.

Getting around Azeroth is NOT that hard. lol Esp now with Dragon Riding.

Delves can become the welfare gear and they can make mythic+ actually hard content instead of the welfare gear it currently is