Mythic+ has probably damaged WoW worse than anything ever added

Bah at this point it’s way past the gear curve and you’ll already be tempted to go meta if your goal is score.

“respecting players time” is a buzzword.

If anything, it’s gotten better because you can directly hop into current content without the feeling of being drastically behind because you didn’t play for a tier.

Invalidating old raids lets people play with others asap.

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Anyways gotta go, good chatting with everyone. Adios :wave:

Do you have any evidence to support this conclusion?

There are other potential explanations for why runs drop off a few weeks into the season. People getting their gear is certainly one such possibility, but there is no way to make some case closed kind of statement that this has to be the sole reason.

So we want to relegate M+ to pre-2024 player habits while updating raiding to reflect 2024 player habits? How would that make sense? I’m all for bringing raiding up to the standards of this decade, but I really don’t know how regressing M+ serves anybody, except perhaps raiders that want to purely raid log.

Why wouldn’t it be part of the gear treadmill? Because you personally don’t like it?

You’ve actually already answered this question. Because Blizzard doesn’t have to add more dungeons for players who like it. M+ players are their own worst enemy in this regard. But why would any business put more effort into something that is meeting whatever metric goals they set out to achieve?

Do you have a citation for this? Blizzard cited the desire to make dungeons more relevant beyond the first few weeks when they added M+. Certainly time played metrics could also be a factor, but it seems pretty bold to claim to know for sure the sole reason is X when Blizzard themselves claimed at least one reason was Y.

i remember back in s1 fighting for my life to compete against rshams to get into keys as low as 23-24

being a meta dps is a blessing and a curse, people want your spec but there’s a billion copy pastes running around you have to compete with

number of keys i can even bother signing up to is at least halved because doubling up on my spec is generally not good

(im just yapping because i have writers block for my paper)

Meh I never cared much about meta or anything past keystone hero/portals. It’s a total void between KSH and the 1%.


i’d like title but i just havent had much time to push these past few weeks (havent logged in once this week except to open vault and got 1 good push day last week). so now im just going to push as high as i can with what time i have and see what happens

i have work piling up from two different colleges plus all the administrative stuff and im getting back into work, and on top of all that its birthday season. just wanna key man

not knowing how to is not the problem

the fact that u have to to begin with, is

no one is forcing you to use addons in m+ really

Zoumz is strictly speaking from the high end mythic raid perspective.

Going back to extreme borrowed power and blizzard warping the entire game completely around Mythic raid would be a massive L.

wow what a crazy take that is

whats crazy about it

welcome to the list

lol! How about THE GAME.

Go run a raid, just one time. Maybe you get loot, maybe you don’t. If you don’t… what happens if you run it again?

CORRECT ANSWER: You get NOTHING. Raid loot is locked out.

Please tell the class what happens when you run M+.

We’ll wait…

Extra Credit: Also please tell us what happens if you clear a Heroic raid. Specifically, if you get a GUARANTEED piece of MYTHIC quality loot.

Also please compare to M+.


im honored

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I recognize the advantages of being able to get into high end content by grinding but there are definitely inconvenient to those grinds. If a player would want to play the same way as he did before he would still have to do more grind than before. Also not being behind also means you can’t be ahead, like I said gear is a lackluster progression currently.

With M+ existing the argument that making old raids part of the gear progression being a problem is pretty moot, people would just have more options and the old gear would keep being valuable.

‘Damaged’ probably did not refer to sub count. M+ works to keep people playing. It does its job well. It just degrades the other endgame pillars to do so.

Sure, but I wasn’t responding to a comment that claimed M+ was popular in part because of no loot lockout. I was responding to a comment claiming M+ is only popular because of no loot lockout. The sheer fact that there are players who run keys beyond the level loot stops and well before the 0.1% title is awarded disproves the claim.

Oh I didn’t see that, sorry.

Then I agree that’s an absurd claim. There are obviously people who, if you gave them a full set of M+ gear, then would spam those dungeons 12 hours a day pushing score.

M+ is how they play the game.

The gear they acquire along the way is simply a means to an end. They don’t really care about it, only in that it’s necessary to push score.

I don’t know why people would even try and refute the fact: some people simply enjoy pushing score.

I don’t understand the people that push score. lol I’m not saying it’s a worthy playstyle. But to deny it exists … is foolish.


M+ is appealing not just because of the gear. it plays a part but that really only accounts for keys up to 8, maybe 10 if you count ports

plenty of people do keys past gear cap and ksh but dont get close to title; they like pushing

the issue with raiding is that its too restrictive compared to m+ imo. heroic is easy, puggable, all that, but its too easy to be fun past the first clear or two. mythic, while offering that challenge, requires an exactly 20 man roster that can all meet at the same time, and because its realm restricted your abilities to get into a guild that suits your schedule and goals is dictated by your realm.

m+ has incremental difficulty, cross realm, only a 5 player requirement, and is puggable to most player’s ceiling.