Mythic+ has probably damaged WoW worse than anything ever added

M+ is popular for 2 reasons. It rains gear, and it isn’t raiding. This is why it is popular.

M+ runs crater after just a few weeks into a new season, pretty much shows people are just grinding it for gear.

M+ needs a weekly lockout, and Blizzard needs to update raiding to reflect 2024 player habits.

The reason why Blizzard loves M+, is that it drives engagement and it requires minimal effort on their part, at least at the beginning of seasons.

The thing is, and the devs have admitted this in multiple interviews, gearing is just too fast at the start of seasons, mainly because of M+.

I think this is why they removed the lower keys and made M0 actually have some teeth.

I get that players love M+, and I’m not opposed to having it in the game, but it shouldn’t be part of the gear treadmill. M+ should be a side activity that rewards achievements, mogs and mounts.

I always ask this question too, if M+ was as popular as people brag about on these forums, why aren’t we getting more dungeon content post launch? The recycled old dungeons was kind of okay, but if this mode was killing it for participation, it would be getting more love than it does today.

I personally think M+ is a crap system for a group based MMO like WoW, that has tons of specs and different group roles.

M+ was created for one reason, to pad time played metrics. M+ is horribly repetive, and only appeals to players that have friends they can run it with.

Just last week I waited 2 hrs to get into 2 different keys. Both key groups fell apart, a healer left after one wipe in one of them. And a tank dc’d in another, most likely a ninja log.

I’ve waited a lot before, times I had to just get off and say it ain’t happening tonight.

that’s pugging for you.

seriously, check into the discord community I listed above. It might help you.

With same gear, same rating, same m+ progression and also only dps? Because I found that a prot warrior who has 20 keys contributing to his rating will have better odds of getting in than a dps warrior with same rating but acquired with 8 keys.

Hint: the 8 keys rating is likely a carry.

The very existence of queues will likely lead to a bunch of nerfs or at the very least a lot of demand for nerfs, and I don’t want either. A system automatically picking a group is impossible with how many variables has to be taken into account.

E.g. poison dispel? CC? Range vs melee? Lust? Etc

You have more patience than I do. After 5 minutes of being declined I either switch to heal/tank if its a specific key I want or make my own group if all I care about is vault clears.

I suggest joining the WoW Made Easy discord. There are groups going 24/7.

Well this is why I hate mythics in its current form. It’s just a pain.

I’ll have to check that out :+1:

In fairness, this is unreasonable. The timer itself to queue for a group is only 5mins.

So what many people do it start a group… then go afk. Then come back after 2-3 mins and see who’s in queue, pick the best, and go.

So if you’re only waiting 5mins, you’re only looking through ONE SET of groups. That’s nothing.

I will wait 20-30mins. That has given enough groups time to decide if they’re going to pick you, try other groups, try another set of groups…

… if you haven’t been picked after 25 mins, you need to lower your Key range by 2.

Keep doing that until you get a quick invite. That’s one way to find out where you are “acceptable” to the M+ community.

As you keep running Keys and your score goes up, you’ll get invites to higher Keys. That’s … how this works.

At least with normal/heroic type ques I can go do other stuff while waiting. Mythics I got to keep an eye on it constantly.

im a dps if i did this id be doing +10s and getting no score

gotta be patient and play the long waiting game

This is way too excessive for a +7. I think you are severely overestimating how hard I push keys. I only go for KSH and stop there.

You can obviously be as PATIENT as you like. Esp for “high” keys.

The discussion was about being QUICK.

I simply disagree that 5 mins is long enough to accomplish anything. My post is that you won’t go anywhere in M+ if you’re not willing to give at least 20mins to trying to get into a group.

Certainly as a dps Warrior, who brings absolutely nothing to “low” keys.

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Just curious what would you suggest blizz change to us warriors, so that we do bring something. Maybe a bloodlust? Some sort of brez? Your thoughts…

shouldve read into it a bit more mb

i agree, only vdhs with good io for the key range theyre seeking will see turnaround like 5 minutes

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I get picked automatically with any of my tanks or healers. I only ever dps with full guild/friends groups. Although this season I haven’t pugged much or at all. The low key squish makes it such a gamble.

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Look at the Barb in D4. Whose shouts bring Health pots.

We have Shouts in WoW.

Without saying anything else, you should be able to think of a huge list of potential things that could make Warriors useful, at the level of Lust/Brez, using the idea of Shouts.

Extra Credit: think of an idea that adds to the game, without simply saying “Resurrecting Shout = Brez.”

It can be done. EASILY. Blizzard/ people just have to be willing to think outside the box.

That’s the way to do it. My friends have a different schedule than i do, so it’s definitely tougher.

Then I suggest you learn tanking. You’ll not be short on choices. Without being online right now, I’m confident saying 20 groups are in queue waiting for a tank, many of them with 3 dps and healers already there.


Yeah I thought of some things myself, similar to what you mentioned. I was just curious of what you thought :+1:

once you get to higher key levels the meta starts taking precedent and people will turn down non-vdh, non-rdruid
it starts becoming common around 15-16 i want to say. goobers in 12s will do it too though