M+ is popular for 2 reasons. It rains gear, and it isn’t raiding. This is why it is popular.
M+ runs crater after just a few weeks into a new season, pretty much shows people are just grinding it for gear.
M+ needs a weekly lockout, and Blizzard needs to update raiding to reflect 2024 player habits.
The reason why Blizzard loves M+, is that it drives engagement and it requires minimal effort on their part, at least at the beginning of seasons.
The thing is, and the devs have admitted this in multiple interviews, gearing is just too fast at the start of seasons, mainly because of M+.
I think this is why they removed the lower keys and made M0 actually have some teeth.
I get that players love M+, and I’m not opposed to having it in the game, but it shouldn’t be part of the gear treadmill. M+ should be a side activity that rewards achievements, mogs and mounts.
I always ask this question too, if M+ was as popular as people brag about on these forums, why aren’t we getting more dungeon content post launch? The recycled old dungeons was kind of okay, but if this mode was killing it for participation, it would be getting more love than it does today.
I personally think M+ is a crap system for a group based MMO like WoW, that has tons of specs and different group roles.
M+ was created for one reason, to pad time played metrics. M+ is horribly repetive, and only appeals to players that have friends they can run it with.