What priest spec are you running and are you using any mobility talents? Just wondering since I am having a difficult time trying to solo this on my shadow priest. I haven’t had a issue soloing it on any other class so far. And yea, I normally finish right as the bats are flying in. Started taking my wife too and doing it duo throws off the timing a smidge, but I think we have it down doing it that way also.
If I were Ion I wouldn’t nurf it based on every six months someone makes a thread saying
When really you’re the same lazy people who want to remove m+ timers, and champion for PL loot. Truly the most bottom of the barrel lazy goobers who scuffed gaming industry expectations.
Just Shadow with Body and Soul/Feather. We don’t have anything more as far as mobility goes LOL
I recommend starting to run to a corner right as soon as you get onto the ship so you minimize your travel time as much as possible. It’s also worth using your extra action button to close the gap between two crystals.
I don’t really get why its needed to make the timing so tedious. Ive done it but its anrough time for what should be just a mog run.
I’ve done this fight on 4 toons including a 445 shadow priest with barely any movement skills twice since the patch, and one shot it. Its completely doable if you learn the order you should do things/move. My only complaint is it takes longer than other ones.
While I agree that Mythic Eonar is a tremendous pain in the tukus, it isn’t impossible.
Follow this guide, as it’s the best one on Youtube that I’ve found. With a little practice, you can do it with a applied effort.
The raid just needs to be updated so that the Eonar fight isn’t required to move on to Imonar after Portal Paula.
Nah. I’ve done countless times Eonar. That last updated made it very hard. And the fix is simple. Just need to have Eonar essence more life and/or Lower reapers damage.
This. Absolutely this. It absolutely is solo able on most classes depending on your speed boosts, but there’s no reason for it to be annoyingly setup at this point. It’s legacy content. Period. No one is doing it as current content, they’re farming it for mog, mounts and achievements.
Let’s be real here, the reason it’s still as annoying as it is, is simply because Ion and Co want to preserve the prestige of the cool Mythic raid sets. Look at BfA raids now, Mythic was finally starting to be doable, then they buff it all with the pre-patch. They are concerned with preserving the ego of their favorite children, ie their precious mythic raiders.
Every xpac they screw up the scaling of old raids.
Lol not even remotely difficult anymore. Git gud.
looks at how one can get mythic looking gear by upgrading hero track gear far enough
looks at own collection of mythic raid pieces
looks at lack of Mythic raid achievements that were done when the content was current
Yeah, I am going to call BS spouted because you have Ion and Co living rent free in your head.
This I can agree with, it is one reason why I am sometimes cautious about doing raids beyond a certain point in the pre-patch.
Fixed it for ya.
And I live rent free in your head since you seem to follow me to any thread I post in and have to argue with me, either that or your a stalker obsessed with me lol.
It’s easy to solo once you learn the wave pattern, as you just massacre the adds. And when you go to the ship, you click the four beacons; you can channel while running, you do not have to stand still. Jump down kill more adds, repeat. Took me maybe 5 tries to figure it out and now it’s easy enough to solo.
Antorus is one of those raids where the tier items that drop are actually not Warbound tokens, but Bind on Pickup class-specific items that cannot be learned by another class.
True for now, but you can bank any non-learnable items. Indications are that 11.0.5 will remove that restriction and retroactively add banked items.
It’s not impossible all, it just takes a bit of preplanning to do. You have to kill things in a certain manner before you go to the ship. I think you have to kill the demolisher at the door, then fly to the top platform to kill that one, and then clear the dogs and bats that come from the wave before the ship starts to charge up. That causes the boss to clear the entire instance for you while you deal with the ship. In which you have to use your wings, speed pot and steed in a specific rotation to get to the four crystals in time. Then it’s just massacre the mobs until eonar goes full energy and the fighter ends.
It’s certainly challenging until you get the movement down for it, but once you get it you get it.
Not to mention I’m pretty sure the tier piece that eonar drops, can’t entirely remember this, is one you can buy off the AH if it’s the only one you need.
I think the only issue is some classes are faster at getting around than others.