Mythic Eonar too difficult prevents farming

Eonar on Mythic is way too hard to accomplish and the fight always bugs out and kills you instantly - please Blizzard, can we get this fixed like you did for Valithria Dreamwalker? It is currently impossible to solo or to complete as a group, preventing anyone from completing the rest of the raid. I have been trying to farm Antorus for a long time now to get my sets but as it is I can’t go anywhere past Eonar and just have to forget about completing it. It would be really kind of Blizzard to fix this and I’m sure alot of tmog farmers and other players would love to see this be changed. If anyone reads this, thank you for listening.


Ion doesn’t think legacy raids that are four xpacs old should be easily farmed.


No it doesn’t. This is 100% a skill issue. I’ve done it since prepatch and ilvl is like 485.

You just have to do it right.


It’s funny to see this post, seeing as how I just went back in there this morning to give it a whirl, only to sadly fail. So, I hopped into ole Siege of boralus and soloed that place on Mythic, which admitted took a little more time than I wanted, but I finished it. Nothing of value dropped, sadly. :frowning:

Instead of reposting everything, there are some tips on this thread this morning about how to beat it.


Check out this earlier post. There’s a few good YouTube videos too. It’s perfectly soloable. You’ll just need to get a few mechanics down.


You have to go up to the space ship and hit all the crystals and get out. YOU have to be fast. And youhave keep the demons away from the shrine. Has nothing to do with Ilvl but everything to do with speed.


Jinx. Now you owe me a coke.


Thanks everyone. I read the thread, I’ll try to get better with the mechanics but I’m not holding my breath, seems like no matter how hard I try to do it, I just get instakilled. I’ve tried everything including keeping all the mobs cleared on the paths but it never works for me. Been trying to finish this fight for a couple years on and off and its always the same result.


A couple of years and you don’t look up a guide? Youtube can teach anyone anything if they know where to look.


Here you go

Actually I’ve read a bunch of guides, watched peoples videos and have them all pulled up whenever I make an attempt. I have quite a few saved in my bookmarks. Hasn’t really helped.


have you taken the portal up to the ship. that is the only insta kill mechanic in that fight.

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Thank you very much! I’ll watch it and go for another try.

It’s not bugging out. That’s how the fight goes. You gotta learn the mechanics and correct order of things. It’s not hard. Just specific.

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I appreciate everyone’s help. Thank you.


A fight harder than spine & chess combined, and people are ok with this?


I would chose to fight Eonar 100 times instead of doing Spine every week. I would advocate for them to put a Dragon Soul skip in because none of the fights are difficult, but Spine is far more tedious and boring.


While Eonar is perfectly soloable, its still annoyingly difficult, especially if you’re on a class that doesnt have reliable speed boosts for the Legion ship part.


Neither of those fights are hard though >.< i would say they are at most tedious.

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