People shouldn’t even call them portals. For the longest time I didn’t even know you could get transported up there. They are clearly translucent green flowers on the ground and not anything resembling a ‘portal’…
Eventually we’ll probably have Legion Remix and you can just buy the mog you want without the headache. You’ve already waited several years so at least it’s an option.
Honestly they should just give it the Dreamwalker from ICC treatment, and make it skippable, if you want to do it, cool, if not, just skip it.
It’s been a while since I last attempted this one. I came close one evening then started backsliding, set it aside and never got back to it. It isn’t my idea of fun personally, but I think even my aging reflexes should still manage it eventually. But it’s also possible that it may just keep slipping down my priority list.
( It’s one of those “I’ll live with whatever the devs decide to do or not do” things for me )
I just went back and did it now to see if all the complaining i saw today was because the encounter changed or people just don’t know what to do. I have concluded it is firmly the latter, the fight played out exactly the same as it did a year ago.
Start middle platform and kill everything that spawns, then bottom until you fill the bar (she has a voice line to let you know when that happened).
Go to Eonar and wait for the circle that lets you go into the ship. Once inside kill the dude in the middle, run to the back crystals first and channel those, then use the extra action ability to fly to the front crystals and channel those.
Fly back to eonar and kill everything around her until you fill the bar again, then just chase crystals around the map killing everything that spawns paying extra attention to the bottom platform as it will spawn a big dude.
Important: completely ignore the second ship portals, It is not required just kill things and Eonar will kill the ship ending the encounter before the 30 second timer depletes. I have done this fight on a Monk, Priest, Warlock, Hunter, and Paladin by following this strat, it’s by no means a hard fight once you know what to do as everything is super forgiving for the most part.
I have to agree with my fellow goblin. You do have to be very precise, but once you learn how to do it, it can be done fairly easily. I regularly complete it on my paladin, and anyone that has ever played one knows how damn slow they are! Watch some videos, read the WoWHead guide, give it a little practice, and you’ll get there! If you want free handouts, however, just go away.
While the fight is definitely doable; it does require significantly more effort to kill than any other comparable old raid boss. A good comparison I think would be to Hellfire Assault prior to some patch nerfs that required you to zoom back and forth across the map to prevent the cannons from being destroyed, which eventually was patched so that the fight was the same but the cannons don’t explode from being looked at rudely. A similar change to Eonar not dying as quickly from mobs, while still requiring the ship to be done would preserve the fight’s essence, without requiring 1000% more effort than any other boss in the raid.
For all those years you never watched a guide?
Read what you wrote.
Now ask yourself this: why did you have to write all of that just to describe how to clear a single boss in a 7-year old legacy raid?
Hellfire is a good comparison, and the same kind of change should be made to Eonar.
In the meantime, I think some are posting good information that like with Hellfire, the fight is doable but will require a lot more than just being over-leveled to succeed.
Which of course is the reason it should be changed.
Content this old should not require players to change specs, build speed sets, and memorize a bunch of moves like they are playing some platformer when everything else in the instance is basically ‘target boss, roll face on keyboard, win’.
I’ve been doing this solo for a while for the scythe and mount. If you want, add me and I’ll come help and try to give you my step by step in voice or text with my paladin.
It’s very far from impossible to solo. You just may not understand the mechanics well enough to solo it. I’ve been running it multiple times a week for transmogs and my polearm/sword off the last two bosses on a hunter, Warrior, monk, and as recently as 3 days ago on my warlock.
Take out the big robot at the entrance, jump to the upper door and take that robot out, quickly jump down to the bottom back platform and kill that robot and enough little guys to set off her room wipe. Go in the necropolis, kill the guy, quickly get the two back ones, the two front ones, then jump down and take the robot out that spawns in the bottom back of the room, kill enough small guys for a room wipe, necropolis, done.
You’re either wiping because you’re not getting the 4 crystals down fast enough, you’re leaving up a robot, or because you’re not filling her bar to room wipe.
This has been possible since the start of dragonflight. It’s absolutely not impossible if you know how the mechanics work. Once you’ve gotten it down once you should get it every time.
Grats on getting it done!
As others have said, you just have to know the fight. Can’t be brain dead like other old raids because it actually has mechanics. Once you understand the order, it’s easy. Even on slow classes. I run through this raid on mythic on like 10 of the classes every week. You’ll be okay. When blizz did the nerf pass on this raid, they fixed the one issue with it which was the knockback of Aggramar. Raid is cake, now.
I’ve done it solo and it’s still trash. Gut fight please
This video below breaks down how to solo Mythic Eonar nice and easy. It helped me when I was farming Antorus for the mount.
Also, if you don’t have the skip unlocked, you could always invite someone who has it and have them go inside the raid with you.
It should be skip able, the fight is just really annoying if you arent on a hyper mobile class.
You can skip Eonar…
I could write out a few sentences to do spine of deathwing too, a boss in a much older raid. Oddly enough occasionally there are bosses that have a mechanic you have to do occasionally in old raids.
I think it’s because they were trying to be helpful, and people don’t seem to want to use YouTube.