Mythic Dungeon Tools Addon now behind paywall

He is selling Blizzard data.

You think he magically got the % out of thin air or something?
Asset is asset, IP is IP.
So both cases are the same. Stealing Blizzard asset/IP for profit.

But it doesn’t matter to me.
If you want to support a Josh Supporter and a misogynist, then do so in good faith.

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Nnoggie backtracked recently. Here’s his Tweet/Twitlonger about it:

I feel for him, to an extent. Guy was the target of a great deal of harassment in the last week or so. But at the same time, this extremely rash and reckless decision didn’t help either. He brought a lot of this recent targeted harassment upon himself.

As soon as and pulled their support of the addon from their sites this man caved FAST.

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K, and that opens a whole thing that Blizzard really doesn’t want to deal with as what he actually had paywalled was not any of Blizzard’s assets and were nothing more than Lua files. And then the whole thing of Streamers doing the literal same thing he’s doing for WeakAura’s & UI configs behind the very same paywalls.

It’s an addon, I couldn’t give the slightest crap about the personal life of the dude who wrote it. You do you

i find it troubling he continues to deny his history of sexist behavior. He has a long, easily verifiable track record on that front – see: the debacle where he claimed women were less skilled than men at the game and largely incapable of being in world first guilds.

a lot of the comments went way too far, but him being labeled a misogynist was absolutely warranted.

That’s Lorgok, not Nnoggie.

WA or other UI addons aren’t benefiting from it. They just provide a platform for people to configure the addon to their liking.

Nnoggie is the creator of the addon, and fully benefit from providing the configure/setting behind a paywall.

No, nnoggie had doubled down on it in a now deleted tweet to @discordiankitty (a wowhead writer) on twitter back in september.

Charging money for an addon LOL. What an actual loser. Should be sued and banned for not just utilizing a donation system.

I mean… This isn’t a good sort of behaviour that should be encouraged. Why are you defending/advocating for the charge of addons?

Man, I’m reading his latest post and it feels like I’m reading something Preheat wrote.

“I’m sorry and and reversing course so people stop bothering me” is how I’m interpreting it. It reads like a non-apology.

Because it is just an non-apology blaming everyone but himself for the harassment he allegedly received.


When addon makers see he gets away with it then start monetizing everything, lets see how quickly that “guideline” changes to being enforceable.

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This, any more the “I was harassed and received death threats.” is a BS excuse unless verifiable and proven true. We live in a anonymous world where you can just make things up to suit you and no one can really prove you wrong. So the only solution is to not believe anything some one says unless verified.

The entire thing read as “Opes blizzard told me to cease and desist better save face here.”


THey are not guide lines, they are policy.

Yes and streamers actively gate their configs behind paywalls and Blizzard hasn’t stepped in.

Meanwhile Nnoggie gates configs for an addon he wrote and people lose their minds. Meanwhile the addon absolutely functioned without it and with the smallest amount of brainpower you could create your own dungeon data without spending a penny.

But hey one of these isn’t waving your pitchforks at someone you don’t like, so yano totally different.

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Because configs and data are both very different things in this case.
A config file is private data that said streamer has set up with in the add on.
The data that the modder is trying to charge for is public data that is related directly to the game, and is data they do not own. The modder does not have any rights to sell data that is generated from warcraft or is extracted from warcraft because they do not own any of the data warcraft generates.

A config set up is a personally made config that was not generated using data from world of warcraft or from blizzards own personal IP, it my integrate into blizzards IP.

And dungeon data is quite literally the same thing, but because the author of the addon put forth the extra effort data is bundled with the addon. The data files are literally arrays of objects that store stuff like X,Y coordinates (In relation to the addons map), CC-ability, spells the mob can cast, and basic details about mobs such as creature display ID, name, level, etc. All of this which can be done through the in-game interface (/mdt devmode).

If the data it uses crosses some line of using Blizzard IP that makes selling those data files bad … please go on about how totally different WeakAuras are from that because they get encoded into a string that is shared.

As soon as he realized how easy it was for someone else to make an addon, he had no choice but to cave.

Who the hell cares.

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Even raider io spoke against it.

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