Mythic Dungeon Tools Addon now behind paywall


  • Dungeon NPC Data is no longer included in MDT

Dungeon Data for all Shadowlands Dungeons is available to Twitch subscribers and Warforged Patrons.

The addon was just updated to remove all mob location data and now requires that people pay in order to have access it. I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure this is against TOS… but there’s also so many other addons (Zygor, etc) already abusing the TOS that I doubt anything will be done about it which is unfortunate.

A fork of MDT called LegendaryDungeonTools is already up on Github, although I’m hoping eventually the community gets a completely new addon or webapp that can plan and share routes.

Nnoogie seems to be really toxic lately and trippin hard, think he needs to step away for a bit the RWF obviously got to him.


There’s nothing in the EULA stopping him from charging for data used in his addon.

However due to his addon being under GPL license and the data is on his GitHub anyone can fork his addon and make their own version.

Someone already has their new addon being called “man baby dungeon tools”. Because of course it’s called that LOL


Definitely describes how the addon creator has been acting the past few days…wondering if he got coal in his stocking or something


Dunno, but he’s certainly stepped up to the role of Ebenezer Scrooge this Christmas.


He is just salty they lost 2 WFs in a row and flipped out on a viewer and ranted about how he should be paid for MDT, and I guess he followed through.


Imagine actually caring about eSpOrTs enough to do this to your addon. lol what a child.


I don’t know, man. Maybe one day people will stop pretending esports aren’t at least as a big a deal as anything else people do for money. Hundreds of thousands of viewers, and probably just as much in sponsorships, subs, and donations is nothing to turn up your nose at.

That said, what he did was incredibly stupid, and here’s hoping Blizzard actually makes an example out of him so that no one else gets it into their head to pull a stunt like this either.


How ?

They could ban the addon stopping it from loading… but the addon’s under a GPL license so there’s nothing stopping someone from making a new fork of the addon when it’s banned to circumvent the ban.

They could break the API but there’s so many different ways to draw things in a frame that there really isn’t an easy way of breaking it without also breaking almost every addon out there (since 99% of all addons need to draw something in a frame at some point)

They could contact the author of the new version of the addon but again the addon’s under a GPL license meaning if they did this method they would forever be playing a cat and mouse game.

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It’s a loose interpretation of the rules.

You’re not supposed to charge for add-on functionality and making npc data paywalled is charging for functionality.

I won’t pay for it and will continue using an old version.

Dudes acting like a man child and really needs to take a break from most of life for a while.


I think the author was trying to give themselves the gift of money for Christmas!


Mad he doesn’t have the sponsors he did and has to make a living playing wow somehow?

Idk spitballing here.

It’s loose indeed, but the eula says you can’t charge for add-ons, not guides. Neither of these uses blizz data for the guides they offer. The actual add-on portion of zygor that uses blizzard api Isn’t what the charge you for, for example. I’m not arguing your moral dilemma here, it’s just why blizz isn’t going to have any intervention.


Technically, they’re charging for functionality.

I am sticking with them not going after She got because it’s not worth their time or money, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were to change their add-on policy at a later date because of this.

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I haven’t read what’s going on, so I could be entirely wrong, but it sounds like they are charging for trash abilities which isn’t found in the blizz api.

Not the EULA … but at the top of the UI Add-On forum is policy… there is a post blue that clearly states:

“1) Add-ons must be free of charge.
All add-ons must be distributed free of charge. Developers may not create “premium” versions of add-ons with additional for-pay features, charge money to download an add-on, charge for services related to the add-on, or otherwise require some form of monetary compensation to download or access an add-on.”

Of course, it’s up to Blizzard how they wish to interpret and enforce this. It’s an easy argument to make that a data service is monetized in the addon.


Someone forgot about Oqueue that had a donation button. Surely Blizz will investigate and check it out if there is a ToS violation

I don’t use the addon, I’m not mad at all. :laughing:

I’m not mad either, I’m amused at the fit he’s throwing.


I don’t know nnoggie nor do I watch his stream. I don’t take the gossip about streamers in this forum as anything but with a grain of salt. Hopefully, it’s just a little bit of smoke and no fire here.

I do support some folks behind wow-related services I use via patreon: dbm,, and raid bots. The idea of supporting a developer’s work is a good thing, especially when you want to the work to continue. Personally, I’m not sure that paywall’ing is the right thing to do here but it’s also not my decision to make.


How what? Charging for an addon is against the TOS. They could just ban him…