Mythic Dungeon Tools Addon now behind paywall

“must be” is not a suggestion.

That’s an outright statement. “Must be free of charge” means free of charge. Period.


This point has actually been taken to court in other contexts. As I recall it was found that the data is not part of the framework unless the framework cannot stand without it. Essentially a frame does not become not a frame if you take the picture out of it. It’s simply a frame displaying nothing. Fully functional but not very useful.

Been a long time since I saw this case…maybe as far back as the 90’s. IBM vs…someone or other as I recall. I’ll try and look it up later when I have time.

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check this out:

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That doesn’t matter, Blizzard will just disable it for not following their rules for addons.

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Anyone know where to get a working version from 3 days ago?

Very helpful. Thx!

Anyone giving this guy money for MDT routes probably sucks at M+ anyways.

But yeah hopefully will not see this creep into other addons.

Manbaby Dungeon Tools on github

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Based on his attitude toward this, no way I would pay him for this addon. I have donated to sites like Elv UI because I love the customization and I appreciate the work they do and they never complained as far as I know… I don’t need elv ui but I like it. Same goes for Mythic Dungeon Tools, its a nice perk but I dont need it. I will just move on to something else./

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When is Blizzard going to IP ban or Real ID ban Nnoogie for stealing their IP assets?
Or go to court over TOS and harming the WoW community?

They went to court to protect their IP from Glider(botting), but now they are going to stay quiet because Echo, a guild with some current members that knowingly supported a censored r-word and p-word former members in the past, is playing WOW on Twitch during the peak World First Race.

That is some BS Blizzard.
Either you enforce your IP/TOS or don’t.
Allow Glider and Honor Buddy back in the game then.

Honor Buddy and Botting? So let an ai play the game for you while you are away? How does that relate to a dungeon guide addon? There is nothing against TOS for charging for this addon. How you think Zygor guides still gets away with it? It doesnt directly alter the game for you, just simply offers suggestions.

He is using Blizzard asset to profit.
Just like Glider/Honor Buddy using Blizzard asset to profit.
You think the map, icon, data, and coding platform are from him or something?

Blizzard on Add-On: “…charge for services related to the add-on…”
Stop trolling or learn to google.

According to wowhead MDT is no longer paywalled

So DBM and WA uses game icons, so should they also be banned for using graphic assets?

Do you need Twitch sub to use DBM/WA?


You said they are using assets for their maps. So does DBM, ERT, and WA even though free but are being used “without permission.” So its okay if its free without permission but not when you have to pay? Its not paywalled anymore.

Because people found out he supported Josh.
He is too fearful that many doxx will reveal how much he knew about the situation.

That whole situation I’m not even going to speculate on. Shows some guilds got the french catacombs when it comes to skeletons.

You’re pretty dense if you can’t tell the difference between a literal botting program & an addon.

And it’d be pretty amusing seeing Blizzard try to argue their legal case arguing what he was paywalling as IP theft.

nnoggie posted a long, rambling nonapology (claiming he is a victim because people called him a misogynist was a real highlight) on twitter effectively blaming everyone but himself for his behavior.

im not impressed. i suspect this move is less about the community and more about recieving a phonecall from blizzard lawyers or sponsors threatening to drop him.

until his next meltdown, i suppose.