Mythic Dungeon Tools Addon now behind paywall

The author removed the map data itself from the mod. So you can not longer plan out routes because the floor plan and mob layout is missing.


You havent updatedā€¦

Once you do you cant plan anything becauae the mobs dont exist lol.

The addon is basically nuthing without the mob data, its a pointless shell with no function.


Again, what functionality is missing? Before you answer, please lookup what the word means.

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Youā€™re arguing on a technicality and you know it. Without the mob dataā€¦ the add on is virtually uselessā€¦


So input your own mob data.

There is no way for you to input that dataā€¦


Yes there is. /mdt devmode allows you to create your own data.

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Curious, but if I share a map using my own mob data, will others be able to see them?

Oh thanks, but I donā€™t have to worry about it because I have the data files still :slight_smile: So I totally unaffected by this current situation and as long as I keep the mod flagged to not be updated I never will :slight_smile:

There is an export option, not sure if it exports the mod locations or if it is just your ā€œpullā€ data.

Is there a guide some where on how to add them? I opened it with that command and I can see how to edit existing markers but I donā€™t see an option to add new ones. Have any more information you can share?

You mean the function where you click on mobs to create a pull and see the %

Oh still there but you cannot use it.

It was also the entire point of the addon.

" The functionality of something is its usefullness or how well it does the job its meant to do"

It currently does NOT do that job becaause the data was removedā€¦ Its not possible for it to do said job.

The functionality you speak of requires the data , the function remaining in a useless state does nothing for your argument.

Now if the data never existed prior your stupid attempt at using words to define it might actually apply.

Just get the new version.

Man Baby Dungeon tools.

Mine still works because I blocked it from being updated and even if it had updated, I can just grab the dat files off this github site. So I have no need to use the cloned copy of the addon.

I was just interested in how to add new data to the map is all.

I miss back when charging people for something you made on the internet was an extremely rare thing and considered heresy and a direct affront to internet culture.


I miss when people didnā€™t act like you owed them updates to something you created and they are using for freeā€¦

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How does that comment even relate or make sense? I was basically agreeing with OP.

Part of the reason this situation occurred was people were in the mod authors twitch stream telling him to stop wasting time with the world first raid and to instead update his addon. So he over reacted to some people who didnā€™t have the common decency to understand that he had other priorities then to update a mod they are paying nothing to even use.

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Thatā€™s when you tell them to wait, or **** off, then ignore them.

Oh I agree but he shouldnā€™t really have to. People should be able to use some common sense and understand that when you are getting something from free, you really donā€™t get to place demands upon it. He acted out poorly in response to it and that really is no way around that.