Mythic Dungeon Tools Addon now behind paywall

You do understand that mutliboxing is still not against the TOS, it was the user of certain software that they came out againt.

“Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our End User License Agreement. Please note, however, that use of input broadcasting software may result in account penalties.”

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I didn’t dispute this but I did highlight a policy communicated by a blue post in their own official forums. It is up to Blizzard to act on their own policy. Clearly, the company has acted on it in the past.

We can debate the meaning of the words guidelines and policy. But you do realize we would be haggling over words.

Something is clearly not right there. I hope they do help him through whatever this is.

Don’t feed the attitude and they’ll go away.

I am pointing out - correctly- that blizzard can modify their tos and they are under no legal obligation to grandfather you.

And doing what you just did and the original post I responded too did - parsing the current language - is ultimately meaningless if they choose to change the terms even if you are correct that the current language doesnt technically exclude something.

ive never heard of MDT until today and i seem to do fine with just DBM.

whoever decided to get greedy with some shady addon that’s not widely used might just be shooting themselves in the foot.

*also i thought it was illegal to make money from wow addons unless its simply voluntary donations.

That is true but until they do it is pointless to debate that fact :slight_smile:

Is there any replacement?

Can’t say I blame the guy. He has people demanding he update his addon when he’s trying to compete in the WF race, anybody would get annoyed. I guess that comes with the territory though.

End of day we can all choose to use it or not use it. I won’t be paying to use it, that’s for sure.

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I don’t watch streamers and I don’t pay for addons.

Whomever this guy is can go suck it.


Donations are if you want to. Most addons have a donation button. The thing is, if you don’t donate, you’re not stripped of any part of the addon. In this case, you will not get the addon in its entirety unless you pay. That’s not ok.

As stated, the rule interpretation is up to Blizzard, but I’d personally like to see them take action here.

The worst part about this is if a Sub has MDT and shares a route, non subs cant see anything…

He has gone full Fukushima nuclear over losing 2 WFs, I hope he can find the help he needs.

All I see is that a person is mad he didnt get world first, which is alot of money in each’s pocket, including sponsorships - so hes charging for an addon to compensate for his losses, which the addon copies blizzards map and mob placement…

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It’s 2020, nearly 2021, people need to stop using addons and play using NATIVE UI ONLY!

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:scream: :scream:


Well as of right now, it appears you can still download and install the missing files yourself.

So apparently Blizz is going to look into this.

And they specified this thread to leave feedback in.

So feedback away!


Ultimately the eula, tos, whatever is irrelevant. If blizz wants to go after this guy, they will. And they will win regardless of the rules because they are the gatekeepers. So it’s up to what blizz decides.

there is no meaningful difference between data and other code. as such requiring payment for services or ‘data’ within an addon is clearly against the spirit of the agreement if not an outright violation, and unless enforced this will lead to drastic change to the addon environment for everyone.

there are enough reasons to be disenfranchised with the game lately. i highly recommend not adding another

Can somebody explain what features you are paying for? You are able to use the add-on to plan routes in each dungeon, draw on the map, etc. The functionality of the addon has not changed and is all still there.

I’ll wait while you do some mental gymnastics to explain how the functionality of the addon has changed (since this is what is being argued).

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