Mythic Dungeon Tools Addon now behind paywall

Figure it out on your own perhaps?

Just use one of the new addons that people created for Mythic Dungeon Tools such as Man Baby Dungeon Tools, which is the same thing but completely free with all information that the old oneā€™s trying to charge for.


The tool is there to figure it out on your own >.>


That does not read like a guideline, that reads as if it was a rule to follow, as if it was the ToS/EULA it self. ā€œā€¦ You must not do ā€˜xā€™.ā€

Hope he gets to feeling better soon.

Heā€™s flipped his lid before, he needs anger management honestly.

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The addon itself isnā€™t causing drama, the author is just having a temper tantrum after losing the world first race and is taking it out on people who use his addon and his weakauras.

Well of course it isnā€™t. Thereā€™s no ā€œlegalā€ argument here, Blizzard can do whatever it wants. And they should do something here.

Honestly. :roll_eyes:

  • These guidelines have been put in place to ensure the integrity of World of Warcraft and to help promote an enjoyable gaming environment for all of our players - failure to abide by them may result in measures up to and including taking formal legal action.

I have a different interpretation.

If the addon is useless without the data, that is selling the addon. A clear violation.


He is raging and the people in this post are raging as well i can make an addon that dose nothing and still fine for me to do there is tons of pvt addons out there he can do whatever he wants if blizzard find this grow they will just shut the addon down fully and any addon that act like it ā€¦ so think before you all speak ā€¦ he is free to do whatever as long as he is not changing the game files and you are free to do whatever as well just stop this rage

Hopefully that ā€œsomethingā€ is making their own built-in version.

The funniest part about all of this is that he did it on Christmas. Just really lets you know the kind of person this guy is. In fact, you donā€™t have to look far to find out how many horrible things heā€™s done in the past. And guess what? Heā€™s sponsored. He represents a brand. So by extension they support him.


What if he doesnā€™t celebrate Christmas? Heā€™s just supposed to suddenly care about a meaningless day to him? Letā€™s not grasp at straws just to try to insult the guy. Itā€™s a sucky thing to do, but letā€™s not stoop this low. Itā€™s just an addon.

Is there really a big difference between,

An addon you need to pay to use

An addon that is useless without paying for the data needed for it.

It kinda feel that if the addon is of no use without the paid data, then it really canā€™t be considered free.


Considering anyone is free to go add that data into the addon, either by grabbing the data that was removed via commit history or going through the in-game dev option ā€¦ howā€™s exactly is it useless?

Nnoggie released it under an open-source license that gives anyone free-reign to go release their own version of it (Which has already happened). Donā€™t like how heā€™s doing it? You can quite literally fork it and do it differently

Blizzard can do whatever they want. ITs their game and rules. They can change them. Which they sometimes do.

I am not arguing what he did is or is not against their current TOS. I will assume you are right and it isnā€™t. In which case - they can change the TOS.

An example would be multi-boxing. A previous multi-boxer canā€™t say ā€œIā€™ve always multi-box so your new tos doesnt apply to meā€. If they change the tos, the guy has to abide by it, or he can face whatever action blizz wants.

I like how quoting that part made the MVP disappear.

While yes the UI Add-on Development policy does list those rules as ā€œguidelinesā€, it does also say that failure to follow those guidelines can result in measures that can lead to legal action.


Youā€™d be surprised how fragile peopleā€™s ego can be when you beat them in the only thing they do/are good at.


iā€™m dying LOL

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