Mythic Dungeon and Mythic+ Tuning – March 7

Bruh, this is timely feedback and changes based on community input and you STILL complain… Pick a lane.


It’s scaling content. It was fine in the past.

Not really, M+ has always been a loot dispenser that gives inflated rewards out of all proportion to its lack of difficulty. It’s only ever been “popular” because it’s a free loot source, just like arena was “popular” when added in BC because you got top-end gear for stripping naked and losing 10 games on daily reset.

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We line in a post truth world, I wont stop you from making things up.


Anything to shake their fist at blizzard.

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Raiders want pain and they want loot to suck. They don’t want to have fun or play with their friends.


Cinderbrew trash needs a rework. How did this even make it to live servers? If you pull everything on the regular route, it’s 106%. The dungeons should not require rogues or priests for skips, or invis pots. These should be options for an alternative route, but this dungeon doesn’t really provide “options”. Some trash needs to go.

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Bro unless you were a tank pvp gear kind of sucked in bc like we literally referred to it as welfare epics, and would not really consider it as good gear.

People would get filtered based on being in pvp gear for pve content.

People also play M+ because they enjoy it.

Stay bitter, Brewa.


TBH its really that first room, you gotta clear most of it out, and then you gotta clear the entire roof for the IPA boss. Its kinda nuts honestly.

Cinderbrew’s always been problematic. It was clearly one of the first dungeons they designed for this expansion, and they drew up a list of 500 monster abilities and ideas.

Then when they sat down to decide which ones to include, they just said “all of it”.

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Its really not that bad, the first boss is probably the worst boss in that entire dungeon. The bee rider is annoying but if you DPS know how to do the bees its not hard. IPA is a joke, and the last boss is easy as well as long as you can dodge the forbidden skittle

The trash though is just annoying

Wasn’t talking about bosses. Bosses don’t matter in M+, it’s 90% trash.

There is really nothing wrong with trash, other then there is to much of it, since as mentioned you end up over 100% just doing min pulls.

I was bashing my head up against Floodgate last night.

What mostly irritated me about it is how there is deliberate mechanic spam. I can’t even put dots or cast anything, there are so many mechanics coming out. I had like 3-4 mechanics firing at me, the purple cone guy, the stun, the ground swirlie and something else, it’s just like uhhhhh… Can I cast a spell? This dungeon was seriously making me question why casts even exist.

What are these dudes thinking with these dungeons.


Since you spend 90% of your time in a key fighting trash, trash is always the determining factor. It’s also why classes with multiple stops are always so overpowered (Prot Paladins & Vengeance Demon Hunters, in their day, Aug Evokers with upheaval, etc.) Trash is a time sink, the more capable you are at dealing with hapless clumps of time sink trash, the “better” you are at M+, because the bigger piles of hapless trash you can handle at a time. It’s overall stupid design.

The only “fix” would be to make ALL trash abilities non-interruptible, by anything, and design around that.

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Just keep going until a +1 key is a +1 key again, like they used to be.

Thank you!


how or why is it humorous? Where would you prefer they focus their effort?

They’ve started to mistake massive amounts of visual bloat and ground effects for actual difficulty that’s engaging.

I’m not saying every pack needs to be designed in a way that’s overwhelmingly compelling, but when every dungeon has multiple packs that do nonsense big AOE puddles, it does get a little grating.


Yeah it’s gone from “difficulty that’s engaging” to “um, can I play the game or cast an ability???”

They’re kinda eroding the foundations of the game away with this mechanic spam. Soon you will have to make every single spell instant cast.