Mythic Dungeon and Mythic+ Tuning – March 7

It’s being designed around the handful of classes with really good AoE stops. The same classes that dominate M+ every season.

Everyone else can just eat sand, as far as Blizzard’s concerned.


Part of me thinks it’s an issue with design philosophy of a newer wave of developers entering the industry, who think they need to make every game an arms race against players for some reason.

FromSoft started having the same issue with their Erdtree expansion to Elden Ring. I finished it just being angry at the experience because the bosses were dodge forever, then attack one time, then dodge for another minute. It’s just not fun to play avoidance sim and not get to play.

Hopefully the WoW devs catch on to the issue before it gets too much worse. There’s instances where it’s fun, the new raid actually makes the chaos enjoyable by not making every single cast sit under you directly. But then there’s keys, where it’s always right under your toes.

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It’s more that they’re weak-willed and do what certain people on twitter tell them to do.

The nerfs of healers, for example, were entirely because the Resto Shaman guide writer from wowhead made a big deal on twitter about how healing was too easy, in Dragonflight.


Uhh, no. Not even close to being interested in that garbage-fest of affixes and other overly obnoxious spells, melee abilities.

To sum it up, now when you die, the overkill damage will by 10% lower.

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Because most of it should be ignored

These are good changes! Especially if Blizz is planning to forgo WA’s

This honestly feels completely unnecessary. This exact effect would happen naturally over time as the playerbase gains more gear.


OK so you are one person. There are millions of others.

And (without exaggeration), 95% of it is just “NERF THIS NOW!!”

Evidently, Blizzard seems to agree that M+ is not allowed to be even remotely hard for players to farm +10s.


The easy gear is the only thing propping it up, so… yeah.

Because majority of the population that keeps this game going is in M+, You are so incredibly clueless.


Let there be pain

Because it gives out so much freebie gear and the rest of the game’s tuning is based around that M+ loot fountain. Restrict the gear to M+ only (similar to how PvP gear works) and you’d see real quickly how “popular” M+ is.

Better idea: give M+ the Legion PvP stat templates. Tier disabled, trinkets disabled, cantrips disabled. Just your base class kit, with a specified amount of stats that doesn’t change outside of tuning hotfixes for the entire season.

Curious. How so?

I mean yes. I feel like mythic+ players and raiders have wanted this for a while. That would be wonderful


So what’s the point of the PTR? The majority of PTR testers said numbers were too high throughout the entire PTR cycle. Why don’t these changes get made before launch?


I’m thinking about it.
