Mythic Dungeon and Mythic+ Tuning – March 7

thanks for the quick nerfs

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I already seen someone with KSM mount on my server lol

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useful for when you reach 80 :slight_smile:

Huh? this season doesn’t feel that hard odd choice.

We’re a CE Mythic guild, spent most of last night getting down Heroic Bandit. Good fight, lots of fun, but very challenging.

And it will give us the same Great Vault rewards as a +2 key. And then people complain that the +2 key is too difficult, even with its massively inflated rewards.

And now M+ is getting nerfed across the board. Any across-the-board Heroic raid nerfs, to be equivalent?

No, of course not.

The entire loot system of this game is broken. If the difficulty scales are going to be on different planets (as they are) then the loot should be incompatible (as it is with PvP).


You just described every person that engages in all end game content in WoW. Snagging credentials so they can find their way into the next piece of difficulty/gear progression.

It’s almost like the game is designed for this to be the case.


I’ve seen a few around Dornogal and outside delves on Stormrage too.

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You are out of your mind. There are two bodies of players keeping this game afloat right now, and it’s Uber casuals, and mythic+ players.


KSM isn’t a difficult reach for week 1, anyone that puts forth the time and effort tends to hit it rather quickly.

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I’m aware. I usually get it week two. :slight_smile:

My key group is unfortunately down a consistent healer so we’ll be pugging a lot. Might take a little bit longer this time because of that, but that’s okay.

yea KSM actually isnt that hard rn (source: I have it)


Most popular feature ever added to the game.

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Yeah. I’ve just been sitting around wondering if I should pug the last 3~ keys I’d need for KSM or I should wait for next week when people are doing more 10s.

There’s zero reason to hurry.

They’ll probably nerf it all by 10% again next week. :rofl:


They might, depends on participation numbers and key completions.
If its not retaining players, then its gonna get nerfed

We ever gonna fix the bugs with classes?
DR has been doing half damage with shadow surge since the patch.

it’s crazy because the keys arent really that hard, especially if we compare to season 1 :skull:


One of the dumbest things they have ever done and thats saying a lot.

There are two truisms about M+ that are always there:

  1. M+ players will ALWAYS complain that the dungeons are too hard.
  2. Blizzard will ALWAYS nerf the dungeons, in response to the complaints.

It doesn’t matter if the dungeons are actually hard or not.


Its def in the top 3, that said nothing will beat them making mobs scale to ilvl.

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