Mythic+ culture is extremely toxic. Here’s why

Yeah, deadeye shot can be Blessing of Protection’d and/or Divine Shield’d. But I meant for non physical damage (non dead-eye shot), the explosive burst. Though it’s not that deadly.

Another cool trick with paladins in that dungeon: I’ll take blessing of spellwarding and, as tank, ‘bubble’ with that on the first boss and just run through as much of the mounds as I can. It clears 'em. Nice QOL instead of having to kite the boss all the time and disconnecting dps

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That’s also not the problem you are facing. It takes like 3 days to get higher ilvl than 450. I would suspect you’re not getting invited because people look at your low ilvl and assume youre a fresh toon and don’t know any mechanics. And if you can’t link anything from heroic you’re kind of just saying yes I’m new, and people generally want experienced people in their raids.

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This is not to be contrarian, but have you considered forming your own Normal Nya’lotha raid? You could help raid lead, make some solid friends possibly, and maybe then progress into Heroic with folks from that pug.

So what you’re saying is, you can take 3 deadeye shots for the team? A truly noble shaman.

The culture in WoW has nothing to do with Mythic+ and everything to do with poor players and attitudes that people brought into WoW with them.

Nothing in WoW makes anyone toxic, they were already that way.

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Once every 6 months. Or whatever ankh’s cooldown is.

Is this an Earthen Ring-insider joke?

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I have a guildie who plays disc priest at 2.3k io and it’s really good at it, mostly because he know how to use MC in most dungeons and it’s crit/haste corrupted.
I’m 2k with destro lock
Friend who only plays surv hunter since legion is 2.1k

I know 2k isn’t a good number to “brag” about but you can also climb with non meta classes

So stop trying to run with those people?

The day the WoW community stops trying to sim and min/max their characters will be a blessed day. 95% of you will never be Method.

Doesn’t mean it’s not toxic.

People straight up leave key after one wipe so it doesn’t look bad on their resume.

More just me disgruntled about how long the cooldown timer on reincarnation is.

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here’s why,

endgame 5 man content that encourages fixed groups for better learning is inherently a guild breaker and raid breaker

people don’t like being left out and it doesn’t set the stage for any sort of good or socially productive behavior at all

raid as endgame content is game constructive, flex-size-raid? incredibly awesome, even better

5-man? it’s crap for community building

You can’t run with those people even if you wanted to…That’s the whole point.

It’s not that I don’t get why they do it. Having good specs vs bad ones can shave several minutes off your time just because it’s that much stronger. It just sucks to suck I guess.

We don’t sim because we think we’re going to be method… we sim because it doesn’t matter what level of content you do, you want to make your character the best it can be? This is a freezing cold take

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Failed logic there. Just because most players aren’t going to be world first doesn’t mean they shouldn’t use tools (like sims / logs) to get better. You’d rather they settled for mediocrity instead?

I mean no offense but the sims are only real if you perform perfectly which in reality you won’t since you’re not in method.

This is called sim baiting and you’re led to believe this 0.2% increase over here is something you have to have despite leaking 10% to fat fingers.

Still though, you’re not aware you’re leaking or taking things out of context and you judge everyone that doesn’t do what sims the best from a false platform.

You can actually put in error margins and what not to see what your actual stat weights should be.

Simming is a pretty easy way to increase your dps even if your rotation isn’t perfect.

Well you could take one, not die. Then the second, and die. Reincarnate, and take another. Although I don’t play a Shaman, so school me if that’s not how it works!

I want you to post on your main, not a 55 alt. I bet you’re like 500 rating. The types of things you complain about aren’t actually issues.

It means that they’re applying for groups they’re not qualified or geared for, getting declined, and instead of looking at the elements they can change, they write off the decline as out of their control, therefore not their responsibility. Or, they’re applying to groups that don’t need their class, and getting upset that a group doesn’t need them, while ignoring the groups that they could be an asset to.

I’ve never once been unfairly declined for my class over 12 years of play.