I argue that’s been an issue with WoW outside of mythic plus. Not specific to this expansion.
You don’t read well
Just ran a sang/quaking 7 in TD. Missed time but nobody left.
Mained warlocks and stop playing cause PvP was trash in BFA and M+ hates warlocks.
i can’t wait til mr shaman comes back and calls you a liar for this. he does it to lots of people in lots of threads that disagree with the narrative he tries to pass off.
demo would’ve been meta for ages if we had a kick not tied to a pet. but yes lets just not do that and call it a day.
There is definitely planning and strategy involved in mythic plus. PUG runs are more hectic for sure. And as I’ve mentioned before, CC is just a product of damage mitigation. We only CC if we can’t survive that pack not being cc’d. I don’t agree that needing to CC is somehow this epiphany of strategy. After a few runs, the knowledge of which groups to cc, which groups to avoid, etc, would yield the same faster pace dungeon.
And not all keys will allow for a massive AoE fest. Explosive and bursting, for example, can make really big groups deadly.
Yeah and after we run those new dungeons in that first week? Now they’re left to rot until you get a new alt or you just go in there solo to farm trash.
Current dungeons require planning and well coordinated cc and kicks. I don’t know what you’re doing, but it seems you’re only queuing into heroic or normal dungeons.
I disagree that balance druids aren’t meta. I don’t have that much trouble finding groups, at least no more than I would as a DPS any other time.
My only complaint now is people who have maxed out gear who are running low key dungeons that I’m doing just to try and gear up, and they’re doing like 60k DPS and making me and the other gearing DPS look bad
Man, sanguine and quaking in TD (shudders). Nice job, man! That’s a tricky dungeon with these affixes
not everyone likes the timer. blizz catered to the go go go crowd at the expense of everyone else. if they were to not make mythic+ a loot pinata that over rewards and instead have fun (to a lot of us) dungeons that didn’t have a timer. how would that hurt the rest of the people?
So you like doing the same content for an entire expansion. I got it.
No, and nobody does. That’s why we have content updates. Your solution to just make new dungeons solves nothing cause I will repeat myself once again.
Once you’re done with that first week of release, dungeons are now left to rot.
what part of not everyone likes the timer do you people not understand? you’re ruining leveling dungeons with this go go go bs on your alts too. some people play to have fun not feel stressed rushing to beat a timer. i also specifically said cata style dungeons which were not easy. most people refused to get better and do them though. that doesn’t mean they weren’t fun.
They rot anyway, people only do them for better gear. It’s not because they like doing them.
As a resto sham who rolled up a resto druid for M+ (though for ease of use, not for rejection…as I had a guild who took me anyway)…I support this message.
M+ pug culture can be gross. Anything 10 and under should not restrict based on class comp. Ever. People should be able to pug a 10 or below for any class without having this kind of garbage.
Having said that: I love Mythic Plus dungeons. LOVE them. It’s class balance that’s at issue, and mean people with an inflated sense of their own abilities and needs in the game–who run 5 keys like they’re in the MDI–that are the issue.
Mythic Plus isn’t the problem.
in cata even after i got my full dungeon tanking set and vendor gear i STILL did tons of heroics and made a holy and ret set doing the same no lifeing of dungeons i did for my prot set. but i guess doing things because they’re fun isn’t what a game this srs bsnss is about.
Yeah it was a bad time lol
And what part of my reply was addressed towards a timer? You said you want dungeons to require coordination and planning and I said the current dungeons do.
Yeah mate, i queue into all of your dungeons to specifically ruin things for you.
Anyways, what exactly is affecting your leveling dungeons? Do you want a dungeon as big as nyalotha or something?
That’s your personal problem. I only do keys with my guild and I don’t care if we time it or not, nor do I even pay attention to the timer.
my favorite dungeon is BRD.