Mythic+ Bots/Mythic Advice

That’s actually a you thing. There are bad players on every server. When you see a player from Illidan, you don’t blame Illidan server. But when you see a player from Ragnaros, it’s like, this guy’s gonna be bad because some guy from Ragnaros was bad.

I see a lot of trolls now, players who make such stupid mistakes that I assume it was deliberate. I think that’s what he’s seeing, people with too much time on their hands and too much liquor in them.

Programming a bot to do interrupts correctly is really easy.

I will take things that didn’t happen for 2000 Ken

It’s called raider (dot) io. This is how you find statics.

If your not good enough to advertise for LFG there, then you belong in pugs.

how in any way is that irony

its not just a “me” thing and saying that is absolute copium

there is a very good reason why high level keys and people decline ragnaros and similar server players.

Figure it out, sparky. I believe in you.

step 1: leave moon guard

no thank u

They say ignorance is bliss. : D

or u could explain it, like a grown individual would

I don’t think the “you’re from Moon Guard so you must suck at keys” guy has a lot of latitude to lecture me on maturity, lmao.

it is true though

rp servers are on the low end of m+ rating

that is a statistical fact that can be proven thru looking @ raiderio for 5 minutes

What are you looking at, specifically, to see this?

When I look at

And sort by m+ progress. They are peppered all through out it.

Emerald Dream, a role playing server, is apparently the 11th most progressed m+ server. Moonguard is 16th. For NA.

comparing 2 random 2,000 IO shadow priests

  1. from moonguard

  2. from illidan

the moonguard person will be EXCEEDINGLY higher rated on their server, than the illidan person.

people on RP servers do not do PvE content anywhere near the level of what ppl on others servers do, why is this even in question?

Illidan: 17526 +10 keys
Moon Guard: 1464 +10 keys
Emerald Dream: 1024 +10 keys

they are worlds apart


Ok. And?

Thats just population numbers.

You stated this.

I am asking for this statistical fact that you can find on raiderIO in 5 minutes. Please, lets be mature and stay on topic like a grown individual.

i literally just proved that i was correct and that you are incorrect

rp servers are inherently less progressive and try-hard in content, and i just showed you this if you understood how to read and process statistics that are provided to you

No. You didn’t.

You are acting like you invite people based on their realm ranking. Which is irrelevant.

Are you saying you only invite people from the top what…8 most populous realms, and thats it? Which has nothing to do with roleplaying realms, as there are many more non rp realms outside of that top 8 or so servers.

If I see 2 people with 3000 IO, why is their server relevant to who I invite in this scenario?

“its just population numbers”

Illidan is Horde dominant with 369k characters
Moon Guard is Alliance dominant with 234k characters

Illidan: 17526 +10 keys
Moon Guard: 1464 +10 keys

Illidan only has 37% more “character” which many are alts because people at high level of gameplay play multiple characters more often after gearing 1

RP servers are inherently less progressive in content in both PvE, PvP, raiding, M+

because they are … drum roll please … ROLEPLAYING

What server are you on?

You dont seem to understand the basics of things. And I would like to ban playing with an entire server to ensure I dont run into you.

You stated you will not invite anyone from Moonguard, because the server itself is only the 16th most progressed m+ server. You wont look at a person’s IO in a world where server matters little. Because the entire conversation is about grouping with people from other servers.

You see “role playing server” and that is more important than their actual m+ experience.

Which is well. Incredibly silly.

Do you ignore every server that isnt as progressed as the top 10?

correct. i do.

i do not invite players who are bad from bad servers as i will have a statistically proven chance to have a more difficult time timing my keystone w/ them in my party

hence, why i dont invite raganaros players

Except a 3k player from moonguard vs a 3k player from area 52…neither have a stastically proven chance to have a more difficult time.

I dont think you understand what “statistically proven” means. You seem to keep using it, with out actually…well. Understanding what it means.

To me, this means you won’t understand basic m+ mechanics either. So which server are you on again?