Mythic+ Bots/Mythic Advice

That was the ironic part!

Wait your telling me your mythic que is not plagued with ads for playcarry .com?

Bots are alive and thriving in wow from the ones that spam in trade chat to the ones filling my mythic que group finder. How a level 5 human warrior is able to post a mythic plus group is beyond me.

the only difference between a MG player and an A52 player is that the MG player is more likely to be talkative ime

apparently MG players have a good rep, ive run into many players who say weā€™re weird but if our io is high weā€™re probably good. and that we speak english.

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That is the same boat I am in.

Have a good enough io for what I am doing?

Be able to communicate?

Anything else is a minor detail.

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yeah, while the amount of players that do high keys on MG is very small, the players who have good io arenā€™t worse than someone from another server with equal stats by any means

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This has nothing to do with bots playing in M+ dungeons.

Advertisements do not equate to bots joining groups and running M+ dungeons.

Interesting. I havenā€™t seen any bot behaviour in M+ lately, or at all really. I have seen plenty of just obviously inexperienced players grossly undergeared and in some cases with awful connections, hence the weird movements.

My favorite is the person on the mount who is rotsated about 80 degrees and running forward/sideways.

But yeah, 100% bot activity as theyā€™re holding an entire conversation with the group


Drifting is just a feature of ruby life pools


remember back in early DF, before s1 even dropped, and we thought thatā€™d be fixed?

at this point iā€™d be mad if they did


No BS Coaching on YouTube has a video where they get 4 bots in their party from one of the "leveling " services

You have several options. One, next expansion will have cross realm guilds, so you have your pick of any guild at that point. Two,while tedious,you could make a character on a non rp realm and either level it or buy the next expansion and use the boost on that character. Rp realms are gonna all be similar as to the type of talking and actions of the players as they are role playing. If that is not your thing,one of my 2 options are your best bet,that or pay to transfer to a new realm. If you enjoy the game,maybe wait it out a few mths and move on to a new guild. I have never noticed a bot in mythics,that would be odd to see,and it would make me wanna troll that bot into certain death at least once.

Those are not bots. It is a real person advertising on multiple servers,which can easily be pulled off without having to level a toon on every server group. That person is there to collect the gold and dispense it to their group of carriers.

I canā€™t think of 1 time Iā€™ve ran a single mythic + where there was any evidence a bot was playing. If your staying in the low key area of two -fours then you will prolly see a ton of players that donā€™t know how to efficiently play their characters. That doesnā€™t make them bots. Now in heroics, where you que for a dungeon I can understand seeing bots but still, again, Ive yet to see this happen. Bots are mainly going to be doing things like professions or farming raresā€¦not farming mythics where they have a very high chance of being caught and reported.