Mythic+ Bots/Mythic Advice


So, I am a relatively new player, and while I was originally going to let me subscription lapse I decided at the last minute to resub and really try at mythics. I have gotten into Mythic 2s, low as they might be, and feel pretty comfortable. Unfortunately, because Moon Guard is so heavily RP focused and the guilds that do PvE content are really just filled with folks saying creepy stuff on discords, I am left with pugging.

A problem being, just in the past week I would say half of my mythic experiences have had someone that is clearly a bot. Absurdly low damage, equally low healing, no interrupts, and really irregular movement patterns (second to last boss in Azure Vaults is a fairly big tell.)

I don’t expect the bots to be fixed, but I would really appreciate some advice. Do I need to make a new character on a server that has more PvE focused guilds? Will it still be filled with people that just want to chat on discord all day? I have joined WME’s discord, which in the times I have been able to use it has been great, but being still a learner tanking spots in the M2-M4 category are still pretty sparse.

I like the game, and I love death knight, but I feel like more of my time is spent sifting through groups than actually playing the content I want to play.

This is the experience of all pug players, you aren’t alone, just gotta find a guild and build up that friends list.

Idk about discord, honestly after trying that for 4+ years I still don’t understand how that works or how to get my microphone to do that auto on/off thing. It seems independent of server but you can also just say “no disc” and see if they stay in the group or not.

You can join a guild without being in that guild now, most guilds have cross-server communities, so no need to change server. The guild doesn’t matter as much as the friends you make in it and do stuff with anyway.

… what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


This is my death knight. Don’t know why it went to this alt.

A player being somehow automated. There are only so many explanations for why a character would behave as I described above.

From what I’ve gathered only by reading here on the forums, MG isn’t actually that ‘bad’ of a server if you just want to play the game. The so-called ‘creepy’ stuff that MG seems to have a reputation for is actually a very small part of its population that gets overblown by ‘tourists’ or people who don’t actually play there.

Make your own groups, try not to invite trash players. Plenty of good players farming 2s for crest.

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There is no benefit to a bot in M+ so I don’t even understand this.

I’ve never seen a single bot in keys. I think you’re just experiencing incredibly bad players. But you’re admitting you are new and looking for advice which prompts me to ask, who are you to judge?

Best advice is keep practicing and make sure you’re using the most optimal talents for the dungeon and the affixes.


I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t understand much of any of that. I just want to play the game

I mean i get it some of them seem like bots. I ran a 6 AZ with a unholy dk then literally did not cast his aoe runic spender once. Dude had 1800 score and pulled 60k overall. I ask him why he didnt use epidemic after the dungeon and said he though he was lmao. People really are just that bad and they get carried because unlike what the forums would have you believe basic pve mechanics arent hard to do or be carried through.


People playing badly? Sure. I get that. I’ve seen some terrible pugs last week. But bots? Erm…

Other players in the party said they were a bot. Made sense to me given circumstances. Strange behavior and all.

I think this might just not be the game for me. Hate that I only just resubbed, but oh well. Moving on.

People make up the wildest stuff.

I never said they were bots

Just a bad player really.
The amount of work that would have to go into a program to make it automated in an instanced/group scenario wouldnt be worth it.

Bots run on scripts. Things that are guaranteed. An entire group of randos in an instanced dungeon is anything but guaranteed

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Oh I know you didn’t. I was just saying your explanation makes sense while the OP bot comment doesn’t. Sorry for the misunderstanding there.

Scottish by chance?

Server doesn’t matter for keys.

You’re playing with bad players from multiple servers. And if on MG, several of the major servers (assuming battlegroups are still a thing, thought they were in SL, dunno now). Gotta git gud.

Guilds are great for two things: organized raiding, and really casual, accountability free keys. Based on your thread, I don’t think you want either of those things. The great thing about pugs is that it’s a harsh learning environment, but it IS a learning environment. Guilds just enable bad play, especially when they just see mythic+ as “something you just do for gear.” They rarely take it seriously or bother improving.

thats entirely not true whatsoever

ragnaros, gallywix, quelthalas players are inherently just worse and more toxic than any other players i invite from other servers