Myth track being 13 ilvl higher than hero track is not alt-friendly

I am ok with alts not being able to instantly gear to BIS

I am on with WoW being a character progression game.


Are we playing the same game? Mid season buffs and nerfs are usually too small or non-existent.

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As long as gear power stays in relation to difficulty of content this will never happen.

Depends on what content you play on playing with said alt. If you just want your alt to be as geared as your main, why on earth should anyone get free gear? I played casually on my alts for ages and most of them were able to easily get hero track gear and myth track gear even if it was once a week(except for healers).

And allows it to match the very rare gear. So technically speaking mythic plus gets everything mythic raiders get just a bit slower.

I still remember the launch of Aberrus and I wasn’t sure which top guild was doing but they were running at least 9 split heroic raid runs from Illidan server and paying people hundreds of thousands of gold for all their loot to funnel to a few.

Stick mythic track gear in +18s. That’s harder than mythic raids.

Oh I dunno about that. They definitely need to crank up the mechanics with every keystone level, not just the numbers. I’ve long said that in addition to health/damage increases, every +1 to keystone level should add another affix.

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What is wrong with gearing 1 character?

Do you really need a source to tell you that less people mythic raid than anything else? I have 5 people in my guild that would trash any CE guilds tanks / dps / heals that aren’t in the top 100. We can’t find the people. That’s the only problem. 5 people carry 20. Well, 5 people carry 15 and the other 5 are middle/ low end of the pack but you get the idea. Seriously, I have 2 tanks that parse 98+ on multiple tanks, 2 dps that parse 95+ on multiple dps and one doubles as a healer and 95+ parses on that and 1 other dps that parses 90+ on 1 character. Not even as little as a try out for a mythic raiding guild. I’d settle for a late CE guild. I just want the dmg meters to be close so it feels like I’m not alone.

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Finally, someone’s saying it


The people that use this as a metric are not good quality mythic raiders hence why they don’t get trails or if they do don’t make the cut.

also this is also actually wrong cause more people mythic raid than pet battle but here you are making wild claims.

Don’t mean anything as dps checks are few and far between. Utility, mechanics and survivability are what you need.


That is not how Mythic works.


Dude has no idea what he was talking about and also lying from the start. h ttps:// the logs show a very different story

How does someone that does Mytic raiding not know that the gear changes means people that don’t mythic raid but do M+ push are now at the mercy of RNG for months to get gear?

Really? But pet battles is your argument?

Sorry but its true that Mythic raiding is by far the least used form of all major forms of content. LFR, Normal, Heroic, M+, PvP… all of it gets far more use.


As I’ve said above, considering the large number of friends who have quit the game because they’re forced to run M+ 3 nights a week as a second job, if they want to raid, I really don’t give a damn.

The M+ “oh boo hoo hoo” train ran its course a long time ago.


Middling mythic raider bitter over people getting cool stuff from a more popular endgame pillar. Not a good look. :grimacing:

No my argument is be factual and not use false statements with broad terms like “all content”

??? We don’t care what other people have never have as it doesn’t affect us slightly. The debate is around people complaining about what we have not them. Also 8/9 is mid? h ttps:// sure we didn’t really put a dent in fyrak but mid? Do we need to explain how numbers work?

Parsing in heroic doesn’t count.

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You take the game too seriously. I understand, I used to use the game to compensate for a not-so-fulfilling real life, but that wasn’t a road to happiness.

Mythic raiders often say they don’t spend countless hours a week, monotonously wiping at the same bosses over and over while trying to copy the strategies what the best players in the world worked out, for the gear. They say they do it for the challenge and I suppose for an illusion of prestige.

So why are they, and you, so opposed to making equal gear available through other venues? No, a piece of mythic track gear from a random choice of three options is not the same as being able to get multiple drops a week from bosses. The challenge you allegedly seek would not be diminished in any way. Players doing very high keys demonstrate that you can enjoy the challenge even if there is no material reward at all. Why can’t you get into that mindset?

The first half of most mythic raids is not harder than the accessible key level ranges of M+. The real difficulty is not the encounters, it is getting together exactly 20 people (ideally more, so some of them can sit on the bench while others play). Not just any people, but the same people. Week in, week out. This is not a lifestyle that most people with regular lives can afford nor does it promote healthy gaming.

I feel you’re often hypocritical in your expressed opinions. It’s much like your rants about Blizzard’s Alliance favoritism and racials, but you nevertheless wasted no time handing over the money for a race and faction change.

Likewise, you say mythic raiding is not about gear, but here you are, trying your verbally hardest to gatekeep others from getting comparable gear unless they play the game in the same way you do – a way that apparently makes one disagreeable and bitter.

Hardly anyone is interested in mythic raiding. It’s a colossal waste of resources when the developers can’t even seem to balance classes and fix the plethora of issues, and it is ridiculous that the designers continue to try and appease that tiny fraction of their customer base while irritating and repelling the much larger number of M+ runners that contribute much more to the financial stability of the game.


Can’t for once people just shut up and play the game the way Blizzard designed it? Thanks :heart:

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We aren’t as we don’t care what little sally and timmy have. We don’t interact with them in any way so what they have affects us a grand sum of 0. You have misunderstood the argument. We want to be left alone our responses are to the remove gear from mythic raiding, stop the higher ilvl gap, its not fair mplus have to farm additional crests to upgrade gear to mythic raid status so nerf mythic raid gear. That’s the issue. We don’t care about mplus, delves or world content. Get mythic quality from those things we don’t care just leave our stuff alone. Like you and many others have stated its not content a vast majority of players do so why feel the need to dictate it? We don’t walk into your hobby and tell you that it needs to change