Myth track being 13 ilvl higher than hero track is not alt-friendly

Lowering the player count immedaitely removes a huge amount of creativity the designers can employ.

Death Grip is extremely powerful.
Solar Beam, situationally, is extremely powerful.
Healer DPS immediately becomes twice as important.
The value of Immunity spells, like Divine Shield, Iceblock, AMS, Cloak of Shadows, etc, double in value.
You immediately require twice as many tanks for the same number of players.

Blizzard cannot assume you have coverage for any curveballs they send your way. So, they either don’t make the mechanic, or the mechanic is a non-factor. In both cases, it’s a worse outcome.

Lowering to 10 is dumb. Hell, even Flex is dumb. Leave it at 20 and make it more accessible for players, such as removing Raid ID lockouts (so you can join ANY group in progress, regardless of your lockout) and improve spell visual language.

I just have alts for every profession. Their professions are all I really care about, I just keep them geared enough to not be inherently useless in most scenarios out in the open world. It’s my main I splurge all the way to mythic raiding on. My alt’s professions give my main the best he needs in potions, food, enchantments, etc.

So don’t have alts if you don’t care for them. I just want to be self-sufficient and not have to pay for things if I can make them myself on a different toon.

Yes I’m being told by you and others that basically dungeons are intentionally designed to not be engaging, multiple people have said that. Then they go, “well, since they aren’t engaging on purpose, the best gear should come from the raid”.

It’s just like okay, how is this game ever gonna get better when people think like this.

If they’re complaining about Tyrannical, remove it? Derp?

I haven’t given any solutions, all I said was I miss Titanforging. The other stuff was sarcasm and speculation.

I didn’t realize class homogenization was a “mistake we learned from in the past” as right now the homogenization is continuing to happen. Confused on that one, but sure.

No it doesnt, who says that game needs to be more difficult.

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There’s a step in the right direction. But someone is gonna counter it with a random off the wall thing from 10 years ago and say “thats a mistake we learned from the past”. Can literally say that with anything with this company.

There was an abolutely miserable amount of people who participated in mraiding,
it is wasted resources of development period. Unjustifiable.
Must be removed (along with Ion) from the game.


I think the word you’re looking for is challenging. Why do we have olympics? Why do we have sports? Why do people care to do hard things and minmax their skills at peak over a medal or trophy in the real world? Because it’s FUN.

Why are we villainized for enjoying the same thing and wanting there to be challenge to acquire a certain reward?


I can answer that for you:
this game got popular when it was very casual,
it was advertised as casual and casual friendly.
It was a loot pinata with the only challenge a roster boss.
Then it slowly started creeping with difficulty,
and many many MANY players left or opted out to participate in content.
With culmination being that estimated like 0.1% of player base does mraiding.
So your comparison with olympics is incorrect (aside obvious),
people want to relax and game, maybe a little bit of challenge.
700 pulls on Tindral your definitioni of fun?


I want to take this out of context and suggest we get ilvl squished down to a total of 5 ilvls.

Ilvl 1 will be leveling gear. Scales as you go.

2 LFR/Normal dungeon

3 Normal raid/Heroic dungeon

4 Heroic raid/Mythic dungeon

5 Mythic raid/Mythic+

This is not a good idea at all but I am putting it out there anyhow. :earth_americas: :fire:

“We’ve heard the players, we will be removing Titanforing and all of our nonsense systems and replacing them with this new Crest system, which is somehow even more convoluted and upsetting to players than the ones before it, enjoy, we apologize, we’ve changed, we’re listening to your feedback!!”


Yeah titanforging removal can be forgiven if they give back bullions.
I also do not know, cannot image who complained about it.

I genuinely believe we should just forego any issues about RMT sales for endgame mythic raid content. It wouldn’t be to difficult to detect RMT in this case either. Just needs better telemetry data. Blizzard can just award the one-time rewards (mounts and titles mostly, sense gear is temporary – cosmetics are forever) via Personal Loot. If 80% of the raid is “loot locked” then these “forever items” don’t drop.

For the sake of awesome transmog items, just make it an appearance/consumable on personal loot. GG.

Gertt you missing the point,
Ion made that mraiding last boss drops 100% 3 items for visuals for druids (which are unavailable in any other content period),
it is intended RMT, not accident.

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Blizzard will sacrifice the most popular content to prop up raiding. If they made more raids with fewer boss’s that wasn’t all over tuned more people would raid.


It got more popular when it was challenging. Or are we less in the amount of people than what we had in vanilla?

And you have so many casual things to do up with practically pokemon. Nobody is forcing you to do hard content, you don’t even have to do a raid to get the end cutscene for campaigns, you can literally click an NPC and get to watch the exact thing we watch when we defeat a boss.

Why is that a bad thing? And difficulty in what? Last I checked I didn’t need epic level gear to complete a story campaign or side quest.

Which is fully in their right if it’s not for them.

I’m sure this is a hyperbolic statement but I’ll give the benefit of a doubt.

??? How were any of your above arguments proving anything incorrect about the love for challenge that so many in sports or the Olympics have?

So relax and game, the hard challenges are optional?? I don’t get who is forcing you to do anything you don’t want to do when your hands are on your own keyboard.

I don’t understand this, are you talking about doing bad pugs? Don’t do them and join a communicative raid guild then or go do something else? I love raiding because I enjoy it. Coordination, boss mechanics, optimizing my abilities and dps output, I enjoy these things. If you’re telling me that I’m not having fun then your psychic readings are 100% faulty.


“Blizzard intentionally makes dungeon encounters boring and unengaging, therefore delete all other content in the game and just make raid the only source of loot”

We’re getting to this point, I can see it.

I’m simply giving my opinion on what Mythic Raiding should be. I genuinely do not care about RMT if it severely degrades a player’s ability to play the game normally. Solo players, like myself, are pushed into Mythic+ because a set schedule is either not possible, or not in my/our interests. In my case, I chose to stop playing retail after AOTC became too easy. (I had a Week 1 clear in S3 with PUGs, and played 4 alts to AOTC.)

I simply want to do big-team content. Mythic+ does not scratch that itch, and PVP is PVP.

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Yeah cross realm and being able to just slot in and hop around and not get locked would help tremendously. Couldn’t Mythic raid even if I wanted to, but it might be possible to at least ATTEMPT some damn bosses, damn. People clutching pearls until their fingers bleed on raiding, it’s so geriatric.

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These types of changes are like we’re scratching off the paint. We’re revealing something better.

Raiding is fun. Lemme raid more.

For them, it really is a nothingburger change. If 13 ilvls on (worst case according to a simulation I ran) 4 item slots (most of which can likely be filled with crafted gear), the worst possible case there is them missing 1/4 of a key level’s worth of stats.

Actually, thinking about it in the context of some other changes they made, this is all just a further nerf to the value of tertiary stats, by increasing the opportunity cost of wearing hero gear you can farm with avoidance instead of myth.

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