Myth track being 13 ilvl higher than hero track is not alt-friendly

My offer stands. Come get it son.

Ew who pugs, that’s gross. But more to the point you threw out a challenge and I accepted. Customs dictate that as the challenged I pick the time and place as I have. Or are you worried that week one mythic open you won’t have any mythic kill to show?

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Nah, we can do it on your time. But we probably won’t be playing the same spec so
. Now is the best time. Do you though. I accept as long as the playing grounds are equal. Remember, this whole discussion is about being equal and why m+ers should have equal gear. Right now is a wonderful time to prove that mythic raiders are what they say they are.

I’m not in a mythic raiding guild

. You know this. The whole conversation has been about mythic being hard because finding people is hard. You have been present right? The bet is that we are in the same group. Please reread.

Challenge set are the grounds not even as we are going off ilvl parse so even if you have a lower ilvl that won’t affect it.

A thing if you have bothered to read my comments on the topic don’t care about. Let the mplus, world questers or delve players have mythic gear it has 0 impact on us as we don’t interact with them so what they have is irrelevant to us. The arguement is don’t touch our thing cause you’re not happy about your thing.

In the same group. Same buffs, same everything. Time till kill MATTERS. A LOT. And the best way to show someone is, do it. And he’s too scared to do that. He or anyone can put together all the excuses they want. Right now, everyone has access to the same exact gear. If you’re gonna prove something, prove it now.

Nobody wants to touch your thing. M+ers want access to the same iLvL. That affects you none.

Do you not see the (even your own comments in this thread) remove gear from mythic raiding? So don’t lie and say nobody wants to touch your thing. Again let the mplusers have access to mythic tier gear, they already do.

It’s really not. This a common thing said by non mythic raiding guilds. Mythic raiding guilds don’t have this issue. We have had an active roster of 35 all expansion. We get a new recruit request at least 1-2 times a day.

They already do. They arent losing access to anything.

Are you that out of touch?

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I have to disagree with you here.

I think you get 1-2 applicants a day due to the awesome guild name.

Freaking Unicorns is amazing and had me laughing. Makes me picture some 80’s cartoon villain, Top hat and monicle unicorn, tieing down the protagonists love interest to the train tracks (Rocky and Bullwinkle esque evil).

“Those Freaking Unicorns are at it again!!”

Sorry for gping off topic, saw the guild name amd had to comment =)

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Dabicorn is our mascot and always will be. The name does help alongside our advertising. We even have a racecar sponsorship and merch store.

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I mean my RL has had multiple trials in all throughout season 4

It’s so frustrating, these threads all voice a valid concern and they get trolled by people like brewa who are being disingenuous (or just really dumb).

The problem isn’t that myth raiders get rewarded, the problem is that the hero gear that drops from m+ doesn’t hold a candle to myth track gear. Who at the end of the season is fully decked out in myth gear just from m+? No one, you get unlucky all the time in the Vault and the gap between mythic raiders in m+ and m+ers in m+ will only grow every week and like the OP said, gl gearing an alt in the middle of the season, you’re never going to catch up. They need to either seperate m+ gear from raid gear or they need to buff hero track gear as well. I used to not believe it but it truly is 1 step forward and 3 steps back with Blizzard on nearly every change/decision they make.

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I can link hundreds of people including multiple of my alts. In fact if you look at the top 1000 mplus scores from last season (s4 is a bad source for many reasons) you will see more than 50% of those players have 0 mythic raid kills. This is a simple case of your outside looking in perception.

I’m not complaining about DF gearing. You can get title by only playing m+, most of these people do still have a few 522 or 483 pieces. It just doesn’t amount to such a big difference because there’s only a 6 ilvl gap on those pieces.

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Its the same gearing system. The only change between DF and TWW is now that Mplus players can close that Ilvl gap via upgrades.

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Color me confused

The vault and track gear remains the same. The only change is mythic track gear has more tiers now going to a higher Ilvl to match end of mythic boss drop ilvl. So now mplus players can reach that

Again, do you really think you’re going to fill all those slots with vault gear?

Also you have got to be some next level delusional if you think these changes are good for m+ers.

Yes like I said many people have. look at the top 1000 mplus players. Over 50% are exclusive from mplus they have 0 raid kills and are decked out full ilvl. This change only allows them to increase that ilvl further