Myth track being 13 ilvl higher than hero track is not alt-friendly

I might be confused. What’s the contest? You guys all going to go kill a boss together and see who does more damage?

I’ve got a monk too, you can get it if you want it too buddy. We will bump you back up to the 10mg range. Let’s get it.

Majority of my heroic logs are in pugs lol.

You also clearly don’t know how ilvl parses work.

Nah. It’s funnier watching your SDS rage all over the forum be being delusional you think you would full clear mythic.

10 man was removed because it was impossible to balance.

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No idea lol.

It’s just hilarious the false confidence and him having zero idea how bad he’s carried by gear lol

That’s a scared persons replay. I’m not 10 years old. If you want it, I’ll put up 2mg vs your 2mg. If youre scared, say you’re scared.

Not scared of a guy that green parses in heroic

Learn the rotation then come talk to me.

Run an entire raid on the same spec. We can view avoidable dmg taken, we can do dps, we can do number of mechanics properly completed. Anything. They for sure don’t want to do straight up dps numbers. You would think in a mythic raiding guild, they would welcome the free gold for consumables and such. :wink:

lol, free 2m gold then. How’s a mythic raider gonna turn down a free boe for next raid? The answer is, you need that 2mg to raid and you’re scared you’ll lose it. Put up or shut up.

I don’t need 2 mil gold.

Pretty easily.

Nah I just buy tokens. I have no need to prove myself to a delusional heroic raider that green parses by ilvl.

I said what I said. The ONLY reason fear. But everyone understands. If some nobody thrashes a mythic raider in a raid, it would be really embarrassing.

And you’re still as clueless now are you were the first time.

My ego isn’t so fragile I need to “prove myself” to you.

Then reality would happen :joy:

I already agreed to go against you first week of mythic being open in TWW. I’ve even bookmarked the page and our wowprog in preparation for it. Not sure why you thought linking those logs was a flex when in higher content I’m average parsing higher than you? My average in mythic is high blue your average in heroic is green. You act like that guy who’s hard stuck in gold in lol telling the plat player he is actually better it’s just he isn’t a higher rank cause of the teams he gets but in a 1v1 it would be different. Then proceeds to get stomped in that 1v1.

If you look at logs, youll see a colum talking about parse by item level. This means warcraftlogs are comparing your logs to those of an equal item level.

By having your logs uploaded you are already competing against others of your same spec and same item number. This is represented by the above mentioned colum.

You dont have to challenge anyone, the logs thst you do that get uploaded already do the conparison and challenge for you. From that you are already conparing yourself to others in this thread playing the same spec.

Challenge is already completed via simply looking at logs of yours vs others

Edit: This is why Snoz is calling out your green parses by ilvl. It means, at a simply base number level, many people playing the same spec and at the same gear level simply do more damage than the numbers youre logging.


Time till kill matters.

We can go now? We have the same iLvL.

Cause nobody is raiding now as it’s pointless the season is over. You wanna find out who’s better right that’s your goal? Then a fresh raid week 1 is the metric. Start formation, execution, performance and ability to make WA are all part of it. Ilvl parse that’s highest wins

The excuses.

lol. People are raiding all over the place. There are 10 pugs listed right now.

You can still get it big boy. Put your money where your mouth is. At least you would be a challenge.

You wouldn’t be a challenge. You can’t even handle a rotation.