Multiple difficulty settings has been a fairly normal part of video games for like 30 years.
Typical clueless player.
I play wow because I like wows systems.
If I wanted final fantasy systems I’d play final fantasy.
You clearly don’t do the content so stop trying to change it.
It’s not like it would be more work for blizzard to only rework the bosses rather than the entire raid.
Not sure I understand where you’re going.
I play wow because I like wows systems.
Oh okay, so therefore no system should ever be changed. I got you. Makes a ton of sense /s
If I wanted final fantasy systems I’d play final fantasy.
Right, because the ONLY difference between WoW and FF14 is the raiding.
It’s all player unfriendly.
Mythic raid or +10’s.
Space in Mythic raid guilds is extremely limited and +10’s are incredibly unfun.
Nope. I think people who want to change. System on content they don’t even play to another game should just go play that other game.
Considering raiding is wows main focus yes.
Feel free to go play ff
That’s your opinion. I find both very fun and the only reason I play this game.
Right now a raid has about 8 bosses. With 4 total difficulty tiers. So that’s 24 different instances of blizzard needing to rebalance a fight.
Lets say in my version the raid still has 8 bosses (40 man, and they’re easy). It seems easy that blizzard could at least create 2 different post-game versions of those boss fights for a 20 man mythic mode.
The goal would be to have as many boss fights are there are dungeons in Mythic+. Which I believe is 30 (right) which is only 6 more than 24, which is what blizzard does now. If an affix like system was introduced it would actually be very viable to create 30.
Of course maybe you’re right and blizzard just ends up pocketing the savings, but we can’t really “play around that” so to speak.
Considering raiding is wows main focus yes.
Literally only by blizzards forcing it.
Wasn’t the big drama of this expac that Mythic+ began to eat away at Mythic raids because the gear became more equal?
System on content they don’t even play to another game should just go play that other game.
Sorry buddy, it’s a live service game. It’s genna change.
Simply wanted to say 8x4 would be 32 but balancing fights is way faster than doing more new content. You would simply be removing one difficulty as far as I understand?
The majority of the playerbase raids at some level.
No. The issue has always been how much faster it is to gear in mplus compared to raid.
You clearly don’t do the content so stop pretending you know what the issues are.
Way to be obtuse and miss the point.
If you don’t like wows raid system setup go play ff. Hard concept isn’t hard.
Right, I wasn’t counting the initial build. Just instances of rebalancing (where they often change how abilities function as well)
As for difficulties, yes, I’m basically just removing LFR. And Heroic and Mythic raids will just be the boss fights.
Normals would be 40 man. Heroic and Mythic would be 20 man.
I mean I could see removing a difficulty, but I’m not sure the cost is as high as you’d think.
No. The issue has always been how much faster it is to gear in mplus compared to raid.
And also it’s easier to find 4 people than it is to find 19. This is the same reason why rated arena came to replace rated BGs. Because it turns out people don’t actually like going through the hassle of forming a team.
Way to be obtuse and miss the point.
It’s just one system change man. Mythic+ is the real driver of modern WoW and frankly it’s obvious. Mythic raids are in need of some adjustments, it’s bound to happen.
Mythic raids have probably been one of the most stable content considering the loss of players over time.
But rated bgs came later?
Yea it’s not enough to allocate elsewhere with this simple 1 to 1 version. But I think the potential for affix’s with this system has a lot of potential to pump out “high quality” recycled content.
The main benefit is that it reduces downtime while raiding. From wipes, boss runs, gathering at the dungeon, clearing mobs, ect.
Well, mythic raiding accessibility is probably more fact than opinion. But ya, +10’s being unfun is an opinion, and in mine M+ starts to be more annoying than fun around +5’s.
You do 1 10 a week on a alt free myth track. Also you can do most content in heroic gear just fine. Stop whining about none issues on a alt and get to playing the game. (i have 5 toons at max while working 2 full times jobs and playing other games but wow)
But rated bgs came later?
Ah ok my history is wrong here. But it’s still true that finding a 10 man group of regular players is way harder than finding a single 1 for twos. I believe it’s also true that 2s has generally been more popular than 3s for arena.
Anyone who’s tried to form a 5 man team for a Moba can attest to this.
Mythic raids have probably been one of the most stable content considering the loss of players over time.
I think Mythic+ has fully succeeded it as the main pillar of WoW in Dragonflight.
My prediction is that in TWW they will double down on forcing raids, players will complain (or not participate). And then Blizzard will restructure the PVE pillars in favor of Mythic+. (and I bet they will do it by deleting every mode except LFR and replacing the others with Torghast 6.0)