My wife and I cancelled our subs today... her reason is better than mine

Your wife could resub with a secret account behind your back.

Sorry. Blizz resources should focus forward… focus on present and future game. Not on the past.


Do you mean stay and level in Warlords on an alt or be able to skip the current storyline altogether and never have to do it? If the second then I think there’s no way any game is going to be designed like that.

That would cost a raid tier. lol

In theory, yes. But unless CoD is going to carry them forever, they probably have to get the best bang for the buck.

I kinda was hoping they’d drop scaling instead.

ESO is fun for questing around and such but I find it unsatisfying for progression, rather have a game where I get tougher and I’m feeling done with the scaling feature in WoW.

Being able to do old content and progress current endgame wise would never work here because WoW has a strong focus on vertical progression. I’m not trying to be harsh on ESO… but they don’t have much of an endgame, at all, to begin with so it doesn’t matter if you fluff around in the starting dungeon or the most recent.

Horizontal works there so if that’s the style you guys prefer better to stick with it than try to change another game completely.

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Ouch. Do you play this game to buy carries? Wow. I am really surprised.

What for? For you to play harder endgame content? If you are capable to play harder content, you dont need a carry.

I would suggest GW2. Incredible combat with a gorgeous world.


The hubris of this development team will never allow you to play any other way than they want you to - gearing up in an old expansion to be competitive would be interesting but the dev team needs to push their new systems and grinds to keep you subscribed.

Glad you have something to play together that’s more compelling than WoW.


You’re right.

Those folks will be able to have the game to themselves before long, congratulating each other on how right they were.

Heh. It’s like counter-culture being SO popular for the last 35 years. If there are no squares left, how do you know you’re cool?

She isn’t wrong, it is a lazy way to experience the story. But thing is. ESO is newer, designed with what they had in mind. WoW is really old and to restructure leveling is a big task on it’s own, let alone somehow make other zones on part with SL for you to advance your ilvl.

They did chromie time, squish etc and look how behind they are on content. They can’t full flesh out 4-5 zones let alone maintain a whole world.

I think it’s a case of driving a Ford but expecting it to be a Porsche.

It just ain’t gonna happen.

Well you got me there :sweat_smile:

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they aren’t at all.

Well…you do realize that you shouldn’t be doing 99% of what you want to do in old content anyway.

In all honesty I am glad they made it all more streamlined. Less confusion in the long run, if you want to hit max level and go back, that’s completely your prerogative.

He’s referring to another Activison property, Call of Duty.

If you think about it? What this does instead of making max level matter, it in fact trivializes it.


My friends tbat play didn’t even make it to level 60 before they quit . Their brains were scrambled from all the ridiculous systems you have to go through to progress .


My fear is if all gear from everywhere in the game is relevant then the amount of “mandatory” greatly increases. What if (for example) this scaled to 60

and became the BiS for healers. So now healers have to do ToT and shield tanks have to do ICC and hunters have to do Sunwell and on and on. Which the obvious response will be "eh, just tune it Kaurmine :+1: " So now you’re asking Blizz to tune every single armor/weapon/trinket/neck in game for max level AND to work on the next xpac and continue to push out regular content. Maybe it will happen one day but that sounds like a pretty big ask.


You’re pretty much right about everything you’ve said, and the above is no exception.

My response? I pay a premium price AND RMR, i expect premium content and service. I can get wildly mediocre anywhere.

It’s a real shame this is such a pervasive opinion; it’s not like the devs didn’t spend time, sweat and tears making the content in the past, either.

It’s a shame, and a gigantic waste that 99% of it is simply left abandoned and irrelevant outside of Timewalking.

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I’m about to be right behind ya, OP. My favorite hobbies in WoW have been butchered; legacy collection hunting and casual PvP.

I won’t leave forever. I may come back when and if things change for the better. WoW has a special place in my heart.

If you and your wife don’t come back, good luck in all of your next chapters. :heart: