My wife and I cancelled our subs today... her reason is better than mine

Agreed. I said from the very beginning of the leveling squish they should allow players to control their exp gains. Something like an NPC that allows you to reduce your exp from 90% of normal to 10%. For those that want to create a more authentic experience while leveling.

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It doesn’t seem the least bit odd for a game to turn 15 years of content into a forgettable nothing?


why does it matter. play the new stuff. forget about the old. the option is there to experience the old if people like.

I clearly have a different way of thinking. and on that note. I’m done here.

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WoW - “Come play one of the longest running, most successful MMORPGs of all time! Please ignore the first 15 years of the game and rush to the end though!”


I love ESO and GW2 for the fact they aren’t like WoW.

players like me? based on what exactly? yeah, thats what i thought. you’re having a temper tantrum based on your own assumptions and emotional reaction.

its the Dev’s and people like you that are ruining this game. go play your pet battles…

Edit: never played wildstar. dont care about wildstar. irrelevant to the discussion

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Some veterans such as myself love to do all the game, and that includes leveling through all the areas. Just so you know we are out here and not pleased with the squish.

That said I agree that there should be a choice of both ways. Before anyone says it, “no, just turning off experience at Behsten and Slahtz is a dismal work around.”

What should be done is revert to 120 levels and set experience boost to zero (0) for all areas. Also eliminate the scaling system or at most have it for 10-level chunks. Then give an option to massively boost experience and let those who want to rush to end game have a way to RUSH, I mean seriously rush to the new content.

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The game and the community are better off without your elitist hardcore mindset. Telling others to “get over it” because this game lacks MMORPG features is disgusting and its exactly why Wildstar failed.


you should have your wife check out Guild Wars 2.

Retail WoW isn’t meant for new players. The leveling process has been trivialized. New players don’t learn much getting to max level anymore. The devs have designed WoW increasingly for end game with each xpac (‘the game starts at max level’ mentality). If they thought spending time to realign the scaling to level 60 as max level would bring back some of the ‘magic’ from vanilla, as many wrote when they first announced it, it was a waste of time. Ask yourself how many times in Shadowlands have others congratulated someone for getting a new level? lol

Your wife should try BC remastered. It’s not going to be the same as it was in BC. But if it is even ¾ of what Classic was, getting into a decent BC social guild from the start should provide a much better beginners experience.


A toggle for two separate leveling path
Old way, new way

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That would work as well.

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On a side not
I hate that cataclysm dungeons are lumped with classic zone dungeons

They should have been separate.

I say ya broke

yeah, gotta agree with what some others said. WoW is great if you have a good raid group. But outside of raiding current content its pretty dry. I’ve stopped and gone to ESO myself. Look around and grab yourself a guild as you level up. It’s great for ports and can be good for endgame content. Not necessarly even the hard core kind, but the go once and just see it, kind.


No she shouldn’t. I understand the old saying, “Happy wife, happy life,” but just because YOU have to agree with her nonsense, doesn’t mean anyone else will.

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I would add that “WoW is great if you have a good group of friends.” Raiding is definitely better with friends, but so is Mythic Plus, PvP and just the game in general.

Sure with a caveat. As long as you’re 10/10 Mythic BEFORE the nerfs, have at LEAST a 2200 IO AND PVP rating, and you’ve been playing since Vanilla, you are qualified to discuss how world quest Anima rewards aren’t rewarding enough.

Doesn’t matter how progressed you are, the people who can’t form a cogent thought to argue will just pick that one pull where your food arrived early 4 months ago and you grey parsed a boss to tell everyone you’re clueless and have never played the game you’re talking about.

Sadly, 90% of them are too lazy to check for themselves. And so society falls.

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Keeping old content relevant to current-xpack power progression would mean actively re-tuning all old content every patch to ensure it stays just as difficult as new content – and to a certain extent, that’s impossible because the further back you go, the more simplistic mechanics get. People would figure out what content is the most rewarding for the least effort and stick to that, and there’s a good chance that means people not aiming for world rankings would just skip new content after a once-through. And that’s ignoring the fact that finding groups for anything would be infinitely more annoying if the playerbase was split between, you know, 9 expansions. Even if people decided one was best.

It’s a nice thought, but it wouldn’t be a good or feasible change.

You’d get more traction advocating for full expansion progression. ie: No free catchup, if you want to see 9.3 content, you need to work your way up from 9.0 so you don’t fall over dead instantly while contributing no output. You’d still be stuck in the expansion, but you be moving through the patches linearly so you’re not just dumped straight into basically a singular zone + raid.

M+ kind of complicates the idea of going back to that though, and this is a change that absolute guts accessibility for more casual players, so you probably wouldn’t want it anyway.

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Well she is going, so there you go.

Anyway, I’m not sure why some people have their knickers in a bind over wanting to progress outside of the new expansion. It really should not be the kind of thing that is hard for Blizzard to modify and it could keep newer players involved for much longer amounts of time. Timewalking dungeons are sort of a step in that direction already (sort of).


bye, I am pretty sure you will find things you don’t like with ESO as well.

It seems odd that a new player would have such set expectations as how a game should work though. I find it bizarre she used Chromie time as a ‘new’ player as well since that option isn’t available to new players. In any case, if she hadn’t been able to do that, she could have got the entire story in BfA or the old areas if she hadn’t decided to do the speed mode option.