My take on why Warlocks just don't perform

Are you alright in the head? How many times do i have to say to get a better representation of a specs performance in a raid you should look at better players who have actually done the content.

To think my skill level or anywhere near me is a representation of the class would be the dumbest take or attitude possible

You lost all credibility with “aff cranks in raids”.

Oh, you’re absolutely correct there. I find the pivot from “lol you’re a moron here’s a guide” to “I’m not knowledgeable, check other people out, I know nothing” absolutely HILARIOUS, though. You’ve 100% conceded, you just can’t swallow your pride long enough to say it.

Yes a guide and stream of much better players than me! (Do you see what I’m getting at)

Far cry from “I don’t know about Warlock here’s a useful resource”.

Far cry from “I don’t know about Warlock here’s a useful resource”.

Far cry from “I don’t know about Warlock here’s a useful resource”.

Outright lying about “topping Brood” as I pointed out.

And now, of course, here’s your entirely new attitude:

So, yeah, you can try and pretend you were being cordial and helpful, but you weren’t. You’re a condescending douche that was proven wrong, and thus was forced to change your tune. The ONLY reason you are acting halfway decent right now, instead of condescending, is because I picked apart your raid DPS stats. That’s it.

Have some balls, man. If you’re going to be a douchenozzle, stick with it. Don’t be a coward trying to pretend you were being helpful.

You delusional freak man, holy crap. And yes it turns out a world first raider on lock would be a good reaource for locks! And the skill gap between you and better players doesnt mean the class is bad when they perform on it while you can’t.

Then again you’ll never do mythic raz or brood so you’ll never get to part lock is great for, so maybe you’re right! Also pretty sure this was about m+ anyway, I’m sure i could find more streams and tips for you from locks.

Or is me telling you that better players exist too condescending

I’m positive you have no clue about statistics, or what “90th percentile” means. That means the list you linked is anomalous from 90% of stats. The entire reason reporting leverages a percentile option (in general, not just here) is for anomaly detection. Frankly, I don’t care what 10% of the population are experiencing. I care about medians and averages. You’d do well to learn about statistics before trying to preach on them.

If you gave a crap about medians or averages you wouldnt even be looking at heroic raiders or ppl who timed a +12, since the average wow player has not done either.

You’re complaining about your class sucking and not once have you acknowledged even the possibility of it being a skill issue when the good players are clearly performing. I’m done with this, no matter what it won’t possibly be your fault. It’s SURELY the class.

Hot dang, this thread went off the deep end.

Demo’s snap burst and survivability is definitely making it be brought to keys, even if the damage isn’t necessarily fantastic single target and that’s perfectly fine. I know tiers are a meme, but Demo is still a strong ‘A’ tier ranged spec. Not quite MM or boomkin levels of damage but neither of those two can compete with the defensive power of a 45 sec Dark Pact. If you play your spec well enough, I genuinely don’t think it’s super hard to time a 20.

That said, sure, there’s an overabundance of ‘dodge swirl’ type stuff that’s making our low haste values feel even worse and it’d be great if some of that was dialed back. Melee players definitely have an easier time executing their damage but this isn’t terribly uncommon for new xpac 1st tier content. Even for them, I swear there’s a record number of frontal cleaves where I see melee getting killed either due to their own mispositioning or tank movement. For ranged, movement feels worse now than in Shadowlands because a lot of ranged ran NF back then for Soulshape and we have less haste, so it’s absence has not gone unnoticed.

There’s still changes coming down the pipeline for 10.0.5 and beyond. Strategies, routes, etc. will continue to evolve. The best thing we can do right now, myself included, is continue to practice, experiment, and improve.

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You should maybe preface this with “in PVE” because demo has been running over moet classes in pvp and now destro has moved up to be great as well

Wow this thread was a great read, though I did feel a bit sorry for the elitists coming in and getting thoroughly schooled by data, then getting all defensive when caught out.

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I would hardly call someone who buys raid carries elitist. More like just bad.

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It’s a measure of what the spec is capable of. Fotm rerollers skew data because they suck at it. Doesn’t make the spec bad. Imagine thinking putting a spec in the hands of amateurs is the best way to gague its potential. I guess that’s why when they want to test a new sports car they hit up Dan from down the street to get behind the wheel…

There are plenty of quite capable players that raid heroic that don’t bother with mythic for whatever reason.

It doesn’t matter what the spec plays like in mythic raids when stacked/fed pi’s etc when only a tiny fraction of the playerbase will ever do it.

What matters is how the spec performs for the majority of players in the majority of content. Balancing around the best of the best just makes it miserable for everyone else.

It wouldn’t be a very successful car if it topped out at 60km/hr when Dan drove it and could only go faster driven by Lewis Hamilton.

Warlock seems to be doing fine imo. Not really top tier, but who cares? They do really good in PvP and Blizzard seems to be buffing classes that fall behind rather than nerfing classes that push ahead so if lock is actually doing THAT bad, then they’ll probably get a buff.

Actually it does because it gives a complete picture of the entire spectrum of performance. If players at the high end can make it work then it’s a player skill issue if lower ranked players aren’t getting the same results. If, however, it’s not even working for the top players, then obviously it’s a spec issue.

I know it’s much easier to just pretend that you’re the only one that matters but it’s rarely the case.

Cop out for low skilled players. Its a sad drum to beat when your song is “don’t make people improve, just lower the bar and balance around people’s failures”

All things that require skill top out at any one person’s ability. To further the anology it doesn’t matter who is driving it it’s still the same car capable of the same performance. To just look at Dan only going 60mph and go “wow this car sucks” would be a pretty stupid take.

You’re basically saying because most people will never achieve more than mediocrity, everything should just revolve around that mediocrity. Hard sell.

Nope. Not even close. There’s far more stacking and minmax degenerate plays in mythic (that are required to do the content).

Completely irrelevant to 99% of the players of the game that aren’t in the tiny proportion of minmax guilds pushing mythic. Designing a class or spec around that, rather than around the majority, is just bad design.

I know you like to think you’re special, and you are a bit because you can push so hard, but it still makes for a very poor experience for the majority.

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