I wore it for a bit but i get tired of mogs pretty quick. Looking forward to seeing next tier set.
You can apply here although we don’t generally accept clowns that purchase boosts and do negative dps. You’re more than welcome to app tho!
Its just good content watching a meta spec complain about his class with absolutely no basis for it. I’m about to create a thread for why they should buff ww and how were only taken for ring para sweep and how were limited by a short melee range while rogues get to attack from ranged.
Ah, so you’re now dodging what you made a big deal over before, huh? I take it you FINALLY realized what I was saying about changing the criteria? Good for you! We didn’t even have to bust out the crayons!
I’m just finished arguing with someone with a room temp IQ.
Looking forward to denying your app!
Your skill gap isn’t a class design problem, i know that must be hard to hear. Bet you would call survival broken if it beat you in overall.
Oh, so you still don’t understand that 20+ != above 20
? Sad. How terribly difficult your life must be
Still trying to argue semantics? This isn’t going to look good on your app.
This has gone way too much into ad hominem.
Some good points made on all sides. It’s okay to agree to disagree on things.
Semantics != criteria. Saying 20+
and above 20
interchangeably just shows a complete and utter lack of understanding on your end. In many, many ways (not just English).
Hey truly, don’t consider applying… I think I’ll just publicly reject you here
I’d imagine anyone who understands 20+ != above 20
wouldn’t have a great time in your cute little guild anyway. Bummer, I’m super sad now.
I think we’re better off without you . However, keep us in mind for your next M+ carries. Although you’d be useless, I’m sure we can still drag your lifeless body through the finish line of a +20 so you could finally see a good piece of loot from your vault. And soon enough, we can sell you a MYTHIC(!!!) raid carry so you can see just how well our warlocks do live!! Gold only! (New concept to you I’m sure.)
If you want to brush up a bit.
Will you drag me through a 20? =D
For the right price, of course! Though, you’re playing a pretty OP spec (4th most brought to keys over 20s) so we’d toss you a discount! Hit me up anytime!
I can see their damage. It’s poop
Nah, I don’t want to pay anything. I’ll get KSM and call it good. The weather is so nice right now!
I still play Destro too, but finding Demo better in m+.
I think Scrolldown has some valid points, but it’s also fair that lock isn’t terribad either.
This is what I’m working towards right now. May get into some 20s in a few weeks
The funniest part is, you clearly don’t realize I can see your guild’s lock damage. They’re below the other DPS in your runs by a substantial amount. One had a specialized ST Demo build going into Terros and only did 60k. Lower than both Fury warriors (by up to 10K), UHDKs, etc. A 403 Hunter dealt 58K, while your 414 Demo Lock (again, with a strictly ST Demo spec) did 60K.
You can cry to your guildmates to come and berate me all you want. The data doesn’t lie. Your Warlocks are consistently outdamaged by a substantial margin, and you yourself said they know what they’re doing. I consider this a 100% slam dunk, my point stands.