Sounds like an explanation on why YOUR warlock underperforms. I overall a 15 at about 75k dps more or less, dodging everything. Aff cranks in raids. Demo and destro are a terror in pvp, shieet aff too. Good players stand out playing warlock, and bad warlocks stand out all the same. But ya sure lmao buff lock kekw
Post logs or gtfo.
376 ilevel in elemental gear dishing out 75k dps in a +15? You’re cute. I can see bursting to that, as I burst well above 100k with mobs etc. Overall average of 75k, however? Noperino.
Because they both fill the “DPS” role. It’s pretty simple. I could also compare to Arcane Mages, Rogues, or any other specs which fill the “DPS” role and consistently outperform Warlocks.
I think he might of been confusing that doing 75k to groups of mobs instead of the overall dps at the end of the run.
You guys are complaining about warlocks in keys when it’s the most brought ranged dps over 20s…
Hunters are the most utilized ranged DPS for 20+. If you’re going to post a link, read the content first.
Also, Warlocks are brought because of their utility. Once again, for you and everyone else who can’t comprehend fairly simple logic: Their DPS is low. Logs show it. The data is clearly there. Whether or not they are brought on keystone runs is outright irrelevant. I don’t want to play a class simply because it has a 3 second AoE stun, with options for more utility. I play DPS to… DPS… Not to watch others DPS and wait for moments to cast a low CD AoE stun.
Cookies man, they do it all for the cookies…
That is not how that works. gtfo with that logic
Complaining about casting and then comparing it to a dps that doesn’t cast is actual stupidity.
If you play dps to dps, then pick one without utility or one that does more dps lmao.
They’re all cooldowns, lol. Again, they fill the same roles. It’s about inputs and outputs. The outputs are subpar for Warlock. Just because you create arbitrary boundaries (and attempt to play almighty gatekeeper of them), does not mean your logic is worth following or even sound. DPS is DPS. Period.
You’re delusional if you think all dps fill the same role.
The game has never been balanced like this ever…
Hold up time to do some research on you…
Edit - yikes not even worth the effort to argue with. Ignored
DPS fills the role of dealing damage. Their unique class/spec utility has no bearing within the context of a DPS balance discussion. If a Mage can interrupt, while a Warlock can subdue demons, how could that possibly warrant discussion within the scope of a damage output discussion? Please, elaborate. I’ll be here waiting.
The only difference in regards to selecting DPS for an encounter, is what utility could best be utilized. They’re not expected to do more or less damage than eachother, they’re just expected to perform the duties of their class/spec in accordance with the encounter. It’d be asinine to try and argue that because a Rogue can Sap, they’re expected to do less damage. So, again, elaborate. Tell me how comparing DPS numbers is delusional. That, or cower off into the void and find another thread to troll with your lack of foundational game knowledge.
You’re 404 and have barely bursted to 76.5k on Eranog with a dedicated Affliction build. Your opinion of me, Warlocks, or the game in general could not mean less to me. You’re the exact embodiment of this thread: subpar even at 404 item level.
The movement requirements in M+ make it impossible to execute playing a warlock well. It’s a horrible feeling getting off 2-3 hard casts in a 1 minute window because you never get a stretch of time longer than 1. 5 seconds to stand still.
How does their unique utility have no bearing on the context of discussion? Enhance can’t be the top dps in the game along with bringing windfury totem, that is what merited our nerf. Your best clears are 16s and heroic raid, you have no concept of high end content lmao.
I am 99% certain this poster bought a heroic clear because 1x kills across the board with zero logs.
Agreed, that’s exactly the issue. High cast times and high mobility requirements make for an extremely punishing experience on Warlock.
LOL! So your argument is that because Enhance has Windfury, that must mean that Warlocks should do subpar damage because… What exactly? What is Warlock’s “Windfury”? Warlocks don’t increase group damage, so you’ve raised an outright moot point. Windfury is part of the DPS discussion because it’s not utility, big brain. It adds DPS for every auto-attacker within 30 yards. You’ve essentially proven my point.
Also, I’ve been playing for 2 weeks and I’m very close in both average item level and rating. Let that sink in before you try to respond in an elitest manner again. You’re an unaccomplished Shaman raging in a Warlock balance thread for unknown reasons. You literally can’t even follow a coherent line of thought (see above).
Warlock utility is gate (have fun doing sennarth without one), healthstone (literally an extra health potion), along with being just about the most tanky dps in the game and a good example of what a character brings to the raid without damage on their meters, it justifies me being below a pure dps. Boomkins are in a similar situation, they dont need to be top damage with all the utility they bring. Warlock could do 20% less dps than anyone and they will still be brought to progression content. You dont need to be top dps, if you feel the need to be at the top of the meters to stroke your ego you have the information in front of you to select a class. But you are delusional if you think warlocks are bad or need a buff.
you’re also no where near me in rating lol…
Gates aren’t used in M+. At all. Nice try.
And that helps how exactly? They have no off-tank abilities, so exactly what does that bring to the table in a M+?
Who said anything about being top DPS? I just don’t want to be the bottom, while simultaneously bringing less to the table than other DPS classes / specs.
You okay? Are we just streaming all our thoughts into additional replies now, or did I just witness a stroke?
When you run a key higher than what you buy, you will see how important being a tanky dps is. Warlock isnt the bottom dps in keys lmao. Also health stone value is dramatically increased if we’re only speaking in context of keys. Like you said you’ve only been playing this game for about two weeks so you probably dont see it yet but you will.