My review after 100+ hours in TWW

I’m not a racist, I have lots of black friends.

Said every racist person ever.

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im black you simple snowflake


thanks for the entertainment while servers are out lmfao

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These things are in the game to appeal to white liberals who want to virtue signal to each other, not black people.

And definitely not any other group, since both of those groups are in the minority worldwide.


Technically youre not wrong it do be like that.

I dont think OPs original post was racist but i havent read what elses been posted in here.

I see your logic is finely honed. I jealously drool over your logical lightsaber.

What a great and honest post. TY. Sorry you are getting so much hate and being flagged. You are not alone in your thinking though, despite the haters trying their hardest to successfully get this post flagged in order to censor it from public view. Yet another cowardly way they operate in life…instead of having a far and free discussion regarding concerns, they flag your post and report it. It is pathetic and sad actually. Either way, nice job on the post.


exactly. You couldnt be more correct

I said that I don’t have problem about her being black or amputated and that I like these aspects of her, how does someone interpret this as racist? 180º of what i’ve said?

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Oh come on, could you be a little less obvious. It’s called a dogwhistle, not an air raid siren. You have to keep it quiet or they’ll notice.

I dont think its so malicious. Art reflects the artist and where their headspace is at. And clearly Blizz employees live in a very specific area with a very specific cultural and political inclination. But theres also no reason not to expect that going in.

Yes, they’re white American liberals who like to virtue signal to each other.

what the heck are you even talking about bro?

Since you’ve identified that you don’t agree with their motivations, or art style, or whatever else…

What options do you have at this point?

I can dislike and criticize the recent story changes and their motivations without disliking the game play. The raid and dungeon designers do a good job from a game play standpoint.

That’s more-or-less the OP’s position also. He also likes the game play itself, and just doesn’t like the real-world politics inserted into the game. I agree, and so do many others.

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I said I DONT think…

Dont be so defensive my dude.

That’s healthy. Do you think the developers should be obligated to change their virtue signaling? Or do they similarly have the right to do what they want?

Are you saying he did not say he had an issue with women npc and a visually black npc?

Do you want me to break it down for you ?

Now don’t take my word for it. Let’s use AI and get an unbiased opinion on what it thinks of OP post

Overall, while the poster does not explicitly state that female characters should not be prominent, the way they frame their criticisms—using phrases that suggest annoyance or disbelief at female characters’ roles and the accusation of a “political agenda”—could be interpreted as condescending towards the portrayal of women in the game. The negative reaction to the predominance and competence of female characters, combined with the specific language used, suggests a discomfort with their portrayal that some might interpret as condescending or biased.


I know you said that, i was just asking you how can someone interpret this information the other way.

Sure they’re free to do what they want, if they accept the market costs of that.

I’m free to criticize them and their motivations, to increase the market cost of their decisions if I disagree with them.

They have responded to criticism many times, as they should because they’re ultimately trying to sell games to customers.