For some reason on this evoker my realm name is showing in guild chat when im just chatting normally. If i open the guild window, however, and check the chat tab there, my realm name isnt there (which is the expected behavior). This only occurs on my Evoker, and not on any of my other chars (even the ones in the same guild).
I found another thread on this issue, but it appears there was never a resolution: Guild chat showing realm name - #22 by Bryån-kelthuzad
Disabling all addons, game restarts, etc did not help
Any ideas how to fix this?
It just shows up sometimes. Sometimes I see my realm since I am in a different realm from my guild, sometimes I see everyone else who isn’t on my realm. Sometimes it’s neither.
No workaround exists to my knowledge, it seems to be the UI being confused as sin.
If you’re talking about this Evoker you’re posting from, the answer is, you can’t.
There appears to be another character in the guild with the same name, and names are only unique to the server, not the entire game or who can be in the guild.
So, what the game will do in order to save on confusion is add the server name after the name in case of situations like this.
Ohhhh that makes a lot of sense! That’s my other shaman alt so it makes sense that it’s using the guild name to differentiate. ill try to remove the sham from the guild and see if it helps; will report back
EDIT: that worked! Thank you so much