My Name Is Phitz. I'm Trust Level 0 and Proud!

Join me brothers a sisters of zero trust! Let us ravel in our zero’ness.


but you’re totally trust level 2


I hate trust levels.


(waves hello to Phitz and gives him a cookie!)



I hate trusted people . I like backstabbing people with blade

Something like this?


How can I check my ‘trust level’?

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go to your activity, then replace /activity in the URL with .json. the most recent trust level listed is your current

I checked for you, you are trust level 1 at the moment

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I get suspended so much that I think my rating is called Distrust Level.


Trust levels matter not! Only your words and how you type them matter. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m trust level two ):

I can’t join the cult of zero trust…

What on earth is a trust level? I don’t get it but I’ve been seeing it a lot lately.

It looks like a hidden value assigned to each character you post on the forums with. It determines with the character can do and not do while posting.

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Well…how does one have any notion of what their trust level is?

Look at the post from Alacialuun above here (4 or so posts) it goes over how to look your level up.

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I am still stuck in 2, maybe it really requires 51 days or near that.

Sorry, you can’t include links in your post.

I dont even know what mine is, i dont really care either. can i type? yes? Drink beer.

Hasn’t been end of day yet. Should turn on in about an hour if you are supposed to have level 3. Thats how it was 2 days ago for people first started getting elevated.

I can’t get that to work.