My Name Is Phitz. I'm Trust Level 0 and Proud!

Hi Im DJ and Im TL3


How do you tell want trust you are at

Go to your forum profile page and type .json after it look for the highest number under trust levels

Strange, well you’re trust level 2 as well, maybe it got typed in wrong

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Oh I see now, thank you.

I don’t trust your opinion.

With your name you should be trust level -10 and permabanned from the game

But the best back stabs are often when the person trusted you.

I’m right there with you brother.


Why its an actual name? And not just one of a fictional character from a 2000 year old story.

No one trusts greenies. Your just PR for blizz

Ah, you show your total ignorance and lack of education
Should have known .
No point debating with you, you lack all the prerequisites for intelligent debate or discussion.

Yep, that’s me.

Nothing but a Green Shill for “the Man”


That is some qualification :rofl:

Actually I was raised a catholic and then became a pentecostal christian… you’d be surprised how well versed I am in christianity. But I rarely find intelligent debates with fanatics who question very little. Its just repetitive arguments and scripture.