My Issue with WoW

Nah, looks amazing lol.

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Reading comprehension eludes you, it seems

I get what your saying, even if others dont.

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I was in a group once where someone left to go make a noodle bowl and I just stood there like a doe in the headlights waiting for the group to freak out on them but then everyone was just like, “No worries!” or “Yea, I’m kind of hungry too, maybe I’ll grab something…” and I basically felt like I was in the twilight zone and didn’t know what was happening. :upside_down_face:

Me thinks if they always feel like coming here to talk about FF14, there’s two options. Either there’s so few players over there they have to come here to poach, or they don’t really like FF14.


That sounds like something we should have in game.
I just dont talk at all in chat. Maybe once in a couple months anymore.
I report some of the more vile crap I see in chat but it never seems to do anything. The same character will be there again 3 days later saying the same racist, bigoted crap.

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To be fair, when you get absolute bangers like this thing, people have no problem standing around dancing lol:

Also, I might be a furry now.

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I’m sorry to hear that. And that music you call a banger…Well…It sounds corny af.

Well, the other day I was in a WoW dungeon and told the group my dog suddenly needed to go out and when I came back, I wasn’t kicked.

lol, yeah taste is definitely subjective Sabbia because this sounds awful. definitely not music that belongs in a game environment let alone a raid… you need thematic instrumentals…not Pink singing.

I may be getting off point with my arguments. I know i shouldn’t argue with trolls, I’ll berate myself later.

but I don’t think the community difference can be argued.

Go play FF14 for the free trial, and experience the community. not like it would cost you anything,
then come back to wow, and tell me which community you’d rather be a part of.

You mean like in WoW where the majority of people mute the music lol?

I did that and came running back to WoW.

Not because of the community though, it’s because I think WoW is a better game.

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I don’t. because I’m not going to listen to britney spears while I’m playing. to each their own but music like that is an immediate turn off and breaks immersion. and yes, I’m a casual gamer.

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Nothing like WoW immersion with addons screaming at you the entire time lol.

Just thinking about dogs lowers my blood pressure. Probably had the same effect on your group. :two_hearts: :sweat_smile:

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(I dont use those which is why I don’t raid less the very occasional LFR)

I also use the default UI not ElfUI and I also click my spells and do not macro.

Like I said, immersion > Rihanna singing

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That’s fair. Dogs are the best.

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So you have no immersion to speak of then since you don’t even do the content where this conversation between us is taking place lol.

as i have been saying. the wow community needs to take a good hard look at themselves. as someone that had been away from ff14 for about a year or so, they welcomed me back with open arms and gave me pointers on how to improve… ad that would be in what’s considered an random LFD in wow. so with that fact in hand you can not tell me that the wow community is better, except for being more selfish.