Not that long ago I was doing some random Heroics on my Paladin, and was in tank spec as I was going after some of the elites. Anyhow, I hit the queue button and wasn’t paying attention and then I realised I’d got a group as the tank.
Which if anyone knows me, they would understand this could be a disaster, since I always felt I was the worst tank in the history of the game. Well, I intended to just quit the group but I knew they’d be waiting and probably frustrated, so I said something like “hey, I made a mistake, I might mess it up for you, I can leave if you want”. Na, they said, its fine, we’ll tell you what you need to know.
Which they did, and nobody died, and I listened to them when appropriate, and we got through it no drama, and I thanked them at the end and got some grats.
The game is not always evil, the players are not always cruel. They are people, just like us, good and bad; its just the toxic ones are loud and stand out, while the decent players just go about their game quietly. I was grateful to those 4 people for their kindness.
This is only half the story. For all I (or anyone) knows, you could be mouthing off the whole time and being a complete jerk, whcih lead to you being removed from the group.
That recent FF14 Xeno incident is a fine example of how WoW’s community pitfalls are nothing more than our extreme folks. And guess what? Having them is actually healthy for the game.
As much as I’m way more chill, albeit a bit hardcore myself, this game would probably be dead long ago without them.
If you are looking for a role play community Ffxiv blows wow out of the water. But a lot of them are pervs.
If you are looking for casual content, the dungeons are fun the mechanics are good the graphics are okay.
The end game is about like wow with the exception every single fight is on a small platform I assume this is to allow for cross systems.
So again if you are casualish then it is a good game.
However I played it for awhile and have every class at max level.
When you get into hard core raiding in the game that’s where everything goes out the window. Most rotations are a 9 button rotation these are 9 button you have to use on a regular bases with about 3 buttons that are “ cool downs “ every class has a 2 minute burn phase. For me I used several buttons on my mouse as well as control 1-5 shift 1-5 and 1-5 on my keyboard. And even if you master the rotation some classes have positioning on their abilities. So not only do you have to have the rotation right but you have to stand in the right spot to maximize your damage while also dodging stuff
Which brings me to my next point.
All bosses are super scripted even more so than wow. So once you do a fight it really doesn’t every change down to the second. All fights also have enrage timer which are super tight. Even if you do all mechanics right but your dps is low you will wipe.
You combine all of these things with trying to find a guild or linkshell to play with it makes it very hard because literally all the team does is go and look at your parses then say yes or no to you joining their team.
These things are all true. In my opinion the game is just tooo focused on everyone being the absolute best to not be toxic. Even if someone doesn’t say in chat you suck they are still saying it in the discord they are in
Take from that what you will.
Also Ffxiv has one feature I love and hate. The class weapons it’s kind of like class epics they usually look super cool and they allow you to level them up but doing so takes an outrageous about of time.
Lastly I will say one other thing one appealing thing ff has that wow does not is player housing, but good luck getting a house it’s next to impossible.
That seems to be an ongoing theme in here.
Glad I didnt stick around long if thats the case.
Ididnt like the anime feel of FF14 anyway. If players are anywhere near as bad as WoW…or even worse as some have said, I cant imagine having any reason to even bother with the game
totally agree.
I stopped playing with the little degenerates BECAUSE of how they behave and treat people in group content.
I ran group content all day long in Legion and loved it. BGs, LFR, dungeons.
I had geared up enough to move into normals on a few characters and decided to give it a shot…then some little foul mouthed child exploded on some players who died in an LFR run over their not jumping fast enough to avoid some mechanic.
Ok…we had to abort and run back. Its LFR for god sake. Dont be a child over it.
Dude was acting like a spoiled 5 year old with a sailors mouth in chat over it.
he got chewed out by other players in chat for acting like he was.
That was the day I decided no way in hell Im gonna go any further with raiding any higher content. If theyre THIS bad in EASY content I figure it only gets worse from here.
PLAYERS are what make me hate grouping.
Sounds like youre right there too.
Tree. but does wow have a system that can identify newies, so they can be taught and not jut berated? no,
Does Wow have a system where people may have ben away for a while and not be accustomed to the changes in their absence? Also no,
Does the community account for this when they return? still no, and there lies the problem.
cause not only does ff14 have indicators, the community is more accepting when you say “i’m new” or “i’m returning so may make mistakes”
usually if you say " i may make mistakes" that’s a straight up group kick, and how is that conductive to a group atmosphere in an MMO?
as for solo friendly, I’ve been playing without a guild for the past 5 years with no issues trundling along doing my thing. cause to be honest, i have no time for the wow community (i refuse to capitalize, cause you don’t deserve it.)
That might be why I didnt experience anything. I didnt really interact with anyone. I cant even remember if it had a chat box like WoW. Thats how much attention I was paying lol
I see.
WoW doesnt even get that far. Even LFR has its degenerate sorts foaming in the chat box over inconsequential content, lol
That doesnt surprise me. We have a little group of discord malcontents of our own to deal with lol
That is one thing I love about ESO. I have 14 houses or so in the game, from small huts up to huge mansions. Very easy to get if youre subbed, you get the crowns every month. Just save them up and buy another house.
The community in ffxiv is no where near as bad as WoW because constantly being a jerk gets you banned. Now because of that people do find ways around it which is why you’ll occasionally run into some very passive aggressive individuals.
We are confusing solo play activities with sense of community. If that is the case I 100% agree. WoW’s community is not so great compared to the alternative mmorpgs. (specifically the ones I mentioned in the post you quoted)