My guild my guild is awesome

Log on main throwing salt. You do know he puts out 432dps or he did on a fight. So, log on your main.

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not bragging just happy. you seem angry, have a snickers?

Quote any salt I’ve thrown. Was it this?

Or maybe this?

Perhaps you have a problem with:

Do you have any reason to believe it to be inaccurate?

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Yes, and that is parsing at 94%! (However, contrast it with the 25% parsing rogue in the same fight , doing 718dps).


more or less means that mages and wars need nerfed.

And rogues maybe. It’s a point you can make. But as you pointed out:

We had at least some idea what we were getting in to.

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Show me on the doll where the evil frost mage touched you


Ret pallys are hard? 95% of your damage is auto attacks bud calm down. Willingly making raids harder doesn’t make you good.

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ret paladin? high skill cap? remind us of your rotation bro

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so much mage salt, id explain my classes greatness but its to much for you to comprehend between making my water and spamming frost bolt.

so much mage salt.


Looks like you’ve only been dps on vael

Let me go cry on my 90s parses doing 3-4x the DPS you could ever dream of

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Parsing in Classic has absolutely nothing to do with skill. You had more world buffs than your competitors, that’s all. Sorry if that’s news to you.


I wonder if people who make this claim ever have good parses.



Got a hearty LOL from me. Agree completely - feral tanks are flipping amazing. Prot paladins are always a hard pass for me. Even an amazing and super try hard one is just a miserable experience.

My average parse as a healer in BWL is 97.6 - parses are stupid. I get 97.6 cause I know how to ABC, blow my cds, and consume - all to just get a good parse.

Meanwhile, I could seal twist, ONLY heal my healing assignments, and not consumes (cause I really super don’t need them) and I’d get a grey parse.

Yep, parses are stupid.

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https ://

https ://

Parses are dumb. It literally comes down to who has more world buffs.


hey dude some people take pride in clicking frostbolt ok. its hard to acquire the gear as mage who are hard to level to begin with and spell batching making the timing on your clicking matter and oh wait…

There are things about parses that can be stupid, but also things about them that can be useful.

Issues tend to arise when leadership puts emphasis (and makes obvious judgements) based on particular data points, because that effectively means they only care about those data points.

In retail, I raided for a while as a (DPS) feral druid, which I really enjoyed, but it was a lot more work than some other class/spec combinations, and I was in a very min/max guild, with a lot of our core raid regularly parsing in the high 90s.

There were times when I would have some gear pieces that would give me overall more damage output, but were not perfectly optimal, and would increase my ilvl, meaning I knew if I equipped them during raids, my parse percentages would be lower than if I equipped lower ilvl, optimal gear and ended up having lower total damage output.

This was an issue (in my opinion) with our raid leadership putting emphasis on parse percentile.

On the other hand, parsing can provide excellent data and comparative data to improve personal and overall raid performance, if that’s something the raid group is interested in doing.

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Go ahead and check them then. Most high parses I don’t have WBs. If you had any grasp on them you’d know it’s about total raid DPS more than it is WBs. 98+, yeah it starts to get only attainable with WBs but 90s parses are fully attainable without them.

That wasn’t my point with this post though. Even with my parses in the 50s it would still be double the DPS or more than a ret pally could do